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How To Create Torrents Using uTorrent


Torrents are the best way to get your favorite files to your own storage. The various features that made it the best solution to share files in one computer to all over the world using the peer to peer networking technology. Giving is important as much as Receiving. So, Why don’t you create your own torrent files and share it with the outer world?. All of them sharing their data with you, then why don’t you give something back to them?. In this guide on How to create torrents using uTorrent, we are teaching you how to create torrent files using the uTorrent torrent client to share with your friends or whomever you like. So follow us carefully to completely understand the whole process.

Thoroughly Research Your Tracker

There are several tracker rules to follow when creating a torrent. These are must follow rules that are prohibited to be broken. So, you must follow them to be safe. Here we listed some of the important things to follow when selecting a tracker for your torrent file.

  1. Read the documentation on your tracker and Go through the Rules: Completely read the documentation on your tracker if any. Some trackers may set some specific permissions, or some of them may have Creative Commons license. If you are not following the rules and guidelines it may badly affect the torrent or even you. So, don’t skip the Documentation while selecting the right tracker for your torrent file. The Rules and Regulations are also very important. Be sure to read all the FAQ’s, Terms and conditions and whatever there is. This always helps you to get a better understanding about the usage and permissions of the tracker.
  2. Set a License if needed: Sharing is a great thing. But don’t completely give it up. Your own files may have used and taken ownership of other individuals as their own. So always pay attention on keeping a finger mark on your products as some licenses. Go to the Creative Commons Licenses and understand the methods to protect your own creation and put ownership on it if needed.

Now, you got a basic idea about how to research your tracker and how to understand the rules and regulations of it. You are ready to begin the process of creating your own torrent file. So let’s look into the step by step guide for creating your own torrent file.

How To Create Torrents Using uTorrent – Steps

  1. Put the files to add to your torrent in a folder.
  2. Open Your Torrent client.
    Note: We are using uTorrent in this tutorial, but the process is almost similar in most of the torrent clients.
  3. Navigate to File > Create new Torrent or simply press Ctrl+N.
  4. On the window opens, There might be three sections namely Select source, Torrent properties, and Other.
  5. In the Select Source section, browse the files or directories of your files.
  6. On the Trackers Section, You want to enter the public trackers for your torrent file. You can set multiple trackers in the given box. But, one is enough.
  7. Here are some Good trackers you can use:
    • udp://

    Put any one of the above in the tracker box

  8. The Other section of the window has these features:
    • Start seeding: If you are planning to use the torrent suddenly after completing the torrent creation process, You want to check this box. But, if you are not planning to use the torrent right now, You can seed the torrent manually any time after the process.
    • Preserve file order: Check this option if your torrent files have some folder sections or Structure which the Torrent users to choose from. If you have only some files without any folders, There is no need of checking the box.
    • Private torrent:  Don’t check this option because we are uploading the torrent on a public tracker. If you check this you want to use some private tracker, and it is a bit more complicated. So it is recommended to keep this box unchecked.
    • Create Encrypted: This option will not be present on the older versions of uTorrent. This allows you to set some access credentials to your torrent file. It is not recommended to check this box as it may create some difficulties in future.
  9. All set and you are ready to create your torrent file. Just click on the ‘Create‘ button and your process will start now. You can share the files to anybody you like. Enjoy sharing.
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