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Brigge – Real Social Network App Review


The arrival of social media’s made a great impact on society. The diverged friendships, unknown friends, hidden incidents, daily news, all put together in a single device in your pocket. A better place where you lives the life of a virtual man on a virtual field where all of the people are equal. The better place to share, read and learn the thoughts of everyone. All made social media the best place where the people all over the world met. So, it didn’t take long to be the best medium of interaction between the people all over the globe.

We already familiar with many platforms like Facebook, Google+, Twitter and many more where people share their thoughts with each other. But all have some usual features. Eager to get something better than that? Here comes the Brigge android app with a tag name of Real Social Network app. Brigge aims to bring real-world interactions back into social networking. A great thought born from some Chennai-based developers.

What is Brigge?

Brigge brings back the social to the social networks. The social media redesigned for a perfect app which can bring the real-life social interaction on your lovely devices. Brigge brings an open platform where anybody can create some activities that others can discover and participate in if interested. Brigge brings the Like folks together to do their likely tasks together. It is boring to do something lonely. But, it makes a pleasant feeling when you have someone to join you in your activities. Brigge knows this and it helps you for the same.

You could plan your tasks, discuss with your friends and create your own posts like you do on other social media networks. It is easier to do the tasks than any other platforms that you are familiar with. It won’t take that much time to create a task even the time you took for reading this para. You could also create your own organization or groups on the platform and have your buddies in that like you do on WhatsApp. Now, it is possible to create activities with your friends and group. Instead of something done by only you, participate with your friends to make it some more exciting. That’s why the tech world calls it as the ‘Real Social Network‘.

The Co-founder of the Brigge, Sampath says:

People have begun to adopt Brigge very nicely in Chennai, and we are slowly seeing traction in Bangalore and other cities as well.

Our system is hosted in the AWS cloud. The backend is built on the Django framework with the PostgreSQL database. Our system is built for high availability with auto-scaling capability for a sudden surge in traffic. We use various tools such as Crashlytics and New Relic, Insping for system health check and JIRA, Slack for planning and communication

Brigge brings the real ‘Like’ peoples to the social networking on the app. The features of the app are that much capable of competing with the global giants in the industry. A nice interface put together with some catchy colors and buttons to attract the users. The logo itself shows the interactive nature of the people. So, let’s have a thorough look at the Brigge app setup process and its features.

How to Setup Brigge?

Setting up the Brigge app is as easy as walking a 10 meters on the ground. You can setup the app within one or two minutes. First of all, download the Brigge Social Network App from the play store and install it on your smartphone. While opening the app, you might came across a screen like below. It shows the basic app logo with a catchy orange background.


Without boring you, the speedy process will take you to the next screen where the basic workflow of the app will be displayed. The first screen says ‘Create activities and lets others join you’. It is the brief description of the overall goal of the Brigge.

While tapping on the arrow button on the bottom right corner, you will be taken to the next screen like the screenshot below which saying ‘Join activities that other people put up’. Just tap the arrow again.

Now, you will be given two options to start using your Brigge account. There will be two options where you can choose either your Facebook account or Email ID to use with the Brigge account. You could select one of your choices. But it is recommended to use the Email ID option as it brings a little more security.

On the next screen, you will be asked to provide your email ID. Enter your Email ID there and tap on the ‘Send‘ icon near the text box.

Now, you will be taken to a screen where a verification code to be entered which is already in your email account sent by Brigge. Enter the code in the appropriate box and tap ‘Done‘. Now, you completed your account creation process and it is the time to set up your information on the app.

You will be welcomed by the Brigge app like the screenshot above. There you want to enter your Name and add your location using the google maps functionality. You also want to select your interests to help the app to determine your interests and only show the posts you are interested in. After completing all, just tap on the ‘Tick‘ button on the bottom right corner of the screen.

Brigge app Interface and Features

Now, your Brigge account is completely set up and you will be taken to your interface showing the results appropriate to your location and the information you provided. Brigge has a quite excellent and very catchy interface with some tabs namely Search, Discover, Feed, and Notifications. You will be taken to the Feed tab at the first launch after setup. There you find the posts or tasks posted by the people with Likely interests and Near to the location you have selected.

Here you can find your favorite tasks and if you want to follow or join them, just click on the specific post. You will be taken to a window like below.

If you are interested in joining them, just tap on the ‘Join‘ button or if you want to just follow them, tap on the ‘Follow‘ button. Once you followed somebody or joined them in the activity, you will see a screen like below. You could find out all the details regarding the task from the same screen.

Sliding the screen to the left end, there is a search option where you can search your favorite activities all over the app. This function is very useful to quickly find out the specific tasks your friends are involved in.

Sliding to the right, you will be taken to the Discover tab of the app. This screen also just like the Feed screen. But, there you can find the very likely tasks and the tasks you are interested in. If you are involved in any of theme, it will be also shown on the Discover screen.

The last and final tab is the Notification tab where you can find the latest notifications regarding the tasks you followed or the likely ones you joined. A great feature which notifies you about the progress of the jobs.

Now, you got a basic idea about the interface and functions of the Brigge Social Network app. Then, how to create an Activity of your own to get friends who like the same? Here is the way to do that.

How to Create an Activity using the Brigge App?

To create an activity using the Brigge app you will be always given a ‘+‘ sign on the bottom right corner of the app. Just tap on it and you will be given a screen like below.

There will be two options one letting you create your own activities and the other one to invite your friends to use the Brigge app. If you wish to invite the friends, just tap on the ‘Invite to Brigge‘ option and you will be taken to a window where you can log in to your Facebook account and thus invite your friends. But now, we are heading to the Activity section. So, tap on the ‘Create an Activity‘ option. It will bring you to a window where you can include the whole details regarding the activity.

After filling the complete details, tap on the ‘Tick‘ button and your activity will go live at the exact moment. If anyone of the members are interested and joined you, the app will notify you the same with the real-time push notification functionality.




Apart from the casual social networking platforms, Brigge introduces a new face to bring the social to social networking. It is the best way to find the folks like you to do an activity together. Everyone likes group tasks than the lonely ones. So, the Brigge deserves to be in your smartphone. Give it a try.

Download Brigge Social Network App

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