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20 Effective Ways to Drive Traffic to your Website

Drive traffic to website or blog

As most of you owning a website on the internet, you all need some traffic to share your content and to earn something from it. So, you are trying hard to increase the website traffic as much as possible. But, most of the time, you will fail to drive traffic to your website because you are missing a lot. Posting a lot of content doesn’t mean getting a lot of traffic. Even websites with a monthly update or even more often updates getting ranked on search engines and getting a lot of traffic.

So, what are you missing? What you have to do to get maximum traffic to your website? Here we are sharing the 20 most effective methods to drive traffic to the websites. Analyze them carefully and follow them in future to get more traffic than any time before.

1. Be A Search Engine Friend

Search engine plays a major role in driving traffic to your website. Search engine traffic is considered as the most relevant and evergreen traffic to the websites. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the best way to get search engine traffic to the websites. SEO decides how your websites rank on Google and other search engines like Bing, Yahoo, Yandex, etc… So, the first thing you have to do is doing in-depth SEO on your website. You could learn SEO techniques yourself, or you can hire someone to do the job for you.

2. Share Articles on Social Medias

Social medias are nowadays becoming one of the most crowdy places on the internet. Millions or even billions of users using the social media networks like Facebook, Twitter, Google+ each day. So, concentrating on social medias can drive tons of traffic to your website. Be sure to share each content on your website to the social medias. Also, invite your friends to like your Facebook and Twitter pages and give maximum publicity to your website on social medias.

3. Tell your Friends about your Website

Keeping secrets is always good, but not in the case of your website. Be open to your friends about your efforts to make your website a good one. Also, tell them to visit your website frequently. Don’t be shy to tell even if your works are not that much good at the beginning. Remember that every professional was once a beginner. So, tell them about your website and ask them for any help in sharing the contents to their friends. So, you can get a lot of traffic from your single conversation to your friend.

4. Be a Youtube Master

YouTube is the world’s best video sharing platform. If you have some skills to record and publish your videos on YouTube, it can considerably help you to increase your blog or website traffic. You could insert the links to your website in each of the videos you upload and you can also include the links in the description of the videos. So, if you become a YouTube master, the traffic will flow to your website by YouTube referring. YouTube can also give you some money if you can use the AdSense on your videos.

5. Target Communities

Targeting communities is a great way to earn some traffic. There are thousands of online communities and question answer websites are there on the internet. If you found some of the questions on the communities are relevant to your articles, just post some lines including the links to your website. If the content you are linked is relevant to the topic, you will surely get a decent amount of traffic.

Note: Be sure to read the Terms and Conditions or Link posting rules of the forum or the community website. As it may be considered as spam, you may get banned from the website. So, only post your links with some hours of time gap.

6. Create a community

If you tired of visiting other communities and posting there by following their terms and conditions, you could create your own community on your domain. If you have website, you could create a community in a sub domain as or For a live example, visit our community at After creating a community, promote it in social medias and to your friends. After you got a decent traffic to your forum, you could easily drive them to the main website by posting your own links on the forum.

7. Be Sure to Add Sharing Buttons

Sharing buttons allow the visitors to share your content. If someone liked your content and wanted to share it on their social media accounts, they must need a sharing button. No one is going to search the google how to share your content without a sharing button. So, always add a sharing button (It must be well visible) on the posts page. You can use several plugins for the purpose (If you are using WordPress) or some themes includes this feature by default. Anyway, you should add a good sharing button, especially on posts pages.

8. Guest post on other Sites

Guest posting has become a trend among the bloggers and website owners. It is the best way to earn some free backlinks to your website as well as some traffic. If you are good at writing user engaging content, it is very easy to write guest posts on other websites with trust. Most of them allow 2 or 3 backlinks to your website that can drive tons of traffic (If the guest posting website is a high traffic one) to your website. So, be sure to choose trust-worthy websites for guest posting.

9. Offer Some Giveaways and Freebies

All of us like free things. So, this can be taken as a way to drive some traffic to your website. Just offer some Free offers like Premium themes, or Some Premium subscriptions to the visitors and promote them on social medias or through advertisement. Even if you lose some amount on giving away product, you will get it back as double, if thousands of people visit your website.

10. Increase your Subscribers

Subscribers are the gems in your hand. You can send emails to them and call back them to your website. If you have 1000 subscribers to your newsletters, each time you updating your content, an email will be sent to them and you will get a lot of visitors this way. So, having a lot of subscribers can considerably increase your website traffic by maintaining the current visitors on the website. To get more subscribers, we recommend placing a subscription box on sidebars and the homepage. You can use the services like Mailchimp and Aweber to save your mailing list and to send automated emails and newsletters.

11. Send Newsletters to the Subscribers

Owning subscribers doesn’t mean you have enough traffic on your website. Frequently sending them newsletters and emails is a necessity to remind them about your content. So, use some services like Mailchimp or Aweber to save a mailing list and send automated messages on a weekly or monthly basis. While sending newsletters, be sure to keep some limit. Frequent mails like daily newsletter may be irritating to the users, and they may unsubscribe from your website. So, be careful.

12. Comment on Reputed Blogs

Commenting on reputed blogs can also give you some traffic. Some of those types of websites offering a link to your website while clicked on your name. If your answer or comment is relevant enough, it can drive users to your website a little. It is not that much of an effective method, but still works. If the comment system enables the comment LUV or any other type of options that let you post the links to your article, it will be great. If they only allow posting relevant links in answers for the specific questions, just link them to the appropriate article if you have one.

Note: Don’t post too many links on a single comment or don’t follow any spamming methods. As it can cause your reputation, it is not recommended.

13. Create your own Ebook and Mention your Site

If you are a good writer and if you can produce good Ebooks regarding anything that you are experienced with. You can include your blog URL in the details section of the Ebook. You can also include the links to your website if you are writing something related to your website theme. You can also sell them for some money as it can become an additional source of income.

14. Create Online Courses

Online courses are a trend nowadays. If you can teach something like designing, programming, photography, etc… (Anything that you are experienced with) You can create a YouTube channel for the same or can create tutorial websites or even add them to big tutorial websites like Udemy and Lynda alongside the links to your website. It is also an extra source of income, if it become a success.

15. Advertise your Website

Advertising is a good option to gain some traffic for money. If you have the budget to spend for advertising your website on the ad networks like AdWords and Your website will be advertised according to the money you’ve spent on advertising, and the visitors will get into your website. If you don’t have enough budget to spend on these ad networks, you could also go for the social media advertising as it is cheaper when compared to these networks.

16. Allow Guest posting on your Website

Allowing guest posts on your website is a great way to engage the visitors on your website. You could also offer 1 or 2 backlinks to their website on each post they are providing. When providing backlinks, be sure to nofollow them if their website has a very low authority. Mention this on Guest posting guidelines or terms and conditions page of your website.

17. Internally Link Contents

Internal links are very important to keep the visitors on your website by navigating them to different parts of the website. It is also a great plus point to the SEO as it is recommended by the search engines. Be sure to link at least two posts from a single post with proper keywords as the title tag of the link. It is also necessary to keep attention on broken internal links, especially when you are migrating from HTTP to HTTPS.

18. Make your Website Responsive

Responsiveness of a website is a major ranking factor in search engines, and it is also very likely to the mobile users. If a website is not responsive and there are a lot of content that is useful for the mobile users, actually no use.  The website must be responsive on all major devices like Smartphone, iPhone, Tablets and many more to ensure the mobile traffic.

19. Make your Website Fast enough

Website speed is a ranking factor. Users will also look for the speed of the website to browse on. Anyone will never spend time on a website that makes them wait for a while. To check website speed, you can use some website speed test tools. If it shows a very low score, you should look into the problems and should fix it as soon as possible. Some speed test tools will automatically instruct you by the methods to fix them. Carefully follow those methods to make your website fast enough.

20. Create Infographics and Share it

Infographics are the most effective pictorial representation of the content. You could create engaging infographics for the users and post it on your website. If it is that much capable of engaging the users, even big websites will post them on their website by giving a backlink to your website. These links will be the gems that can direct a lot of users from other websites as well as it increase the authority. To create infographics, you can also depend some online sources like Canva, Infogram, PiktoChart, etc… Or you can also hire someone if you have enough budget.

So, following the above-given methods can considerably increase your website traffic. We described them in a brief manner. So, be sure to explore more about it, if you are unsure of the steps to effectively do them. After following them for few months, you can see the results as the traffic increases. If you are still not finding any traffic increase, be sure to check if your website is demoted by Google or you got any hits. If so, fix them first before doing any of the above methods. Then, try these methods.

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