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Host1Plus VPS Hosting Review

Host1Plus VPS Hosting Review

There are several VPS Hosting services are out there to help users get affordable servers with complete control over it. But, a bitter truth is that most of them are failing in getting the satisfaction of the users for the hard-earned money they are spending on the hosting service. From our experience too, the hosting services which provide real quality services as they offer in their promotions are very few finger countable numbers.

Host1Plus VPS Hosting service is such a good service we’ve found near feature. Even there are some cons as any other hosting services out there, they still manage to keep most of their promises without breaking the rules. Today, we have got this VPS hosting to review here. So, we will be discussing more about it to let you know whether you should opt it or not. So, let’s start.

Host1Plus VPS Hosting Features

As any other VPS hosting services, Host1Plus also coming with a bunch of useful features or in other words qualities. We’ve listed some of the best features of the service that we’ve found relevant. Having a look at them will make you stronger on your selection.

Flexible Plans

Flexible Plans Host1Plus

When compared to other hosting services, the Host1Plus has a good number of plan variations available to select from. Users can always stay on their budget with the scalable resources of the VPS hosting by the Host1Plus. Starting from just $2 / month, there are six main packages available on their website ranging as Amber, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum and Diamond. Diamond is the costly plan with 8-Core monster CPU coupled with a huge 16GB RAM, which will be enough to manage your 1million+ monthly visitors website. It is costing $105 / month.

Worldwide Server Locations

Different Locations of VPS Hosting

There are five different server locations available for your VPS server. You can select the most prominent location near your targeted audience to get maximum possible speed and performance. For example, if your targeted audience is in the US, you can go for the US based server location (Chicago or Los Angeles) of the VPS service by Host1Plus. For further information regarding the server location selection, you can read this article in Webhosting Talk.

Full Root Access

Users will get Full root access to their VPS servers regardless of the operating systems including Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, CentOS, or Suse. This is not a unique feature, but the Host1Plus VPS hosting too provide this to the users for absolutely grading the complete access to the server. Users can configure almost anything on their servers as owing them in their own warehouse.

Instant Deployment

This remembers me the Digital Ocean droplet creation which is extremely simple to create own servers. But in the digital ocean, they are cloud servers. Here it is dedicated VPS servers. Users just have to complete a 3 step process as Configuring the server, filling the info, and start using the server which all at maximum take 3 or 4 minutes. This is one of the most loved features we have found in Host1Plus VPS plans.

Geolocated IPs

Geolocated IPs are very crucial in reducing the latency of the websites as well as it plays a major role in maintaining SEO strength of the website. This is a unique feature which is not in the basket of some other VPS hosting providers. This is mostly helpful to geolocated businesses to target some people in a specific location.

Live Stats

The Host1Plus servers can alert you when it is going to overuse CPU, memory or network which may lead to a server crash or website downtime. This is a real-time function that is not there in the package of other popular hosting services. We found this very useful to stay updated with the resources by tracking the over resource eating plugins, especially in WordPress. The feature is the key in maintaining the websites without hitting a downtime problem.

Redundant Storage

Every bit of data stored in your primary VPS server will be passed through a secure switch to a backup station which can help to reduce the downtime and data lose in case of any hardware or software failures of your server. The Ceph storage infrastructure is very reliable in outputting the desired results.

Good Uptime

We were unable to find any downtime of the server in our days of continuous usage. From the customer reviews on the Host1Plus website, we are unable to find any uptime problems reported which mean, the servers are working hard and living all day long. It was one of the most discussed problems of the VPS servers is the resource exhausting problem which happening either due to the server misconfiguration or the dynamic resource usage of a high traffic website.

But, the Host1Plus VPS hosting is nice regarding the uptime of the servers and showing no lag even in near maximum resource usage. The Live Stats feature helps the users stay in track of the resource usage.

Responsive Customer Support

To be honest, Host1Plus is one of the most successful web hosting companies in keeping their promise in terms of the customer support. The instant support is provided in various forms including, Email support, Live chat and posting a ticket. From our experience, they are quick on responding and solving the problem when compared to the competitors on the field.

User-Friendly Dashboard

All are there on the dashboard. From configuring your domain to accessing the console is all listed there on the main screen or the dashboard. The left pane stacked the useful items which cover almost all parts of the VPS service provided by the company. However, some beginner users reported that they were facing some difficulties in some areas like configuring or connecting the domain names to the server. From our tests, no special classes needed even for the advanced tasks on the service.

What is bad about Host1Plus?

Like any other hosting solutions, the Host1Plus also has very few problems reported by the users on their own website. We also felt one or two. So, we are listing them here.

Email Server Problems

Few Users reported that the email servers were down some times during heavy usage of the service. We can’t consider it as a Bad of the service as it depends on the plan which users selected.

Server Down

We didn’t experience any server down problems from our continuous testing sessions. However, some of the users are reported on their website that they experienced it.



What Users Saying about them?


In this VPS hosting offer floods, it is vital to make a wise decision on spending some of the hard earned money in your pocket. You should ask yourself, How much resources you need and How much is the maximum budget that you can allocate for the hosting services per month. By considering all these, it is clear that the Host1Plus stands out from the crowd, especially in terms of the pricing of the plans. For us, it sounds pretty interesting to provide such good amount of resources for an affordable price. If you would like to get a cheaper VPS hosting service without computerizing on the server performance, Host1Plus might be a right choice.

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Host1Plus VPS Hosting Review
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