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Staaker Drone Review


From the mighty bergs, storms and fjords of Norway comes the Staaker -pronounced  Stacker or Stalker- drone, which promises to usher us into a deeper and hopefully thorough re-evaluation and reinterpretation of all our previous drone experiences and uhh… relationships. It’s squarely aimed at the extreme sports photography market and makes no apologies for that. To start with, it doesn’t even have a traditional controller, nor is one apparently necessary when you keep its design goals and objectives in mind. To discover its quite considerable and eminently beguiling charms, simply strap on a somewhat bulky and waterproof tracker cum controller which is all you need to make it your slave for life. Then unfold its sexy arms and attach either the GoPro Hero 3, 3+ or 4 action cameras as per your preference and pocket depth to its 3-axis stabilized gimbal. Finally, launch it, enable its near magical auto-follow mode and have it follow you around like a tirelessly loyal puppy or an endlessly loyal guardian angel while you do conceivably anything and everything under the sun.

It additionally sports five different follow modes that enables the determination of the precise angle, location and distance from you while you strut your stuff and show how rad your moves are. While still practical as a multi-use and truly versatile drone, the Staaker is at its best when on hands-free/auto-follow mode. With it enabled, you can then truly worry about nothing else other than making the just perfect move during your excitingly daring extreme sports moments. Moreover, according to Staaker, the drone has the capability of predicting your movements and reacting accordingly to ensure the best optimum shots of what you are or about to do always. Staaker thus claims ii as the first AI capable drone in the market, which is pretty easy to believe.

Top speed is a pretty impressive 50 mph, while the battery lasts a similarly awesome 30 minutes of use. The Staaker Drone comes foldable, sturdily designed and portable so you can easily take it to where the action is no matter how remote the location or how heavy the sweat, surf or testosterone fly. To ensure durability, the Staaker drone was rigorously tested everywhere from the Arctic Circle to the tropics and will be assembled by Foxconn, who as you know do take their work pretty seriously. So, put it though all the heavy-duty use your mind sees fit and watch it handle it with all the aplomb of an Olympic gymnast.

Getting interested yet are you? Well, the Staaker is available right now for pre-order at the Staaker website for $1,200, in a package which includes the drone, waterproof tracker, and travel case.  When the pre-order ends, prices will rise to around $1,800. That’s a lot of moolah, but a truly unique piece of drone heaven never comes cheap you know. If you are really into extreme sports and even more extreme moments, nothing currently beats the Staaker drone, so get it to match your fab moves and effortlessly record them for posterity and our envy.

Staaker Drone Review
6.9 / 10 Overall
Build Quality7
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