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Google announces Android Q will be called ‘Android 10’; refreshes Android’s branding

Android 10

Android 10

Google has announced something which is quite important and related to Android. While we have seen that Google announced names for upcoming versions of Android based on names of sweets, it will not do so from now on. The reason is that Google has rebranded Android with a new logo as well as naming systems. The next version of Android which was called as Android Q until now will be called Android 10. Therefore, if you were guessing what dessert name could Google reveal for Android Q then the answer is none.

On top of that, we will see a newer Android logo as well as branding on all Android devices from now on. With the release of Android Q, the Android logo will be changed to just the head of bugdroid. Previously, the bugdroid’s head along with its body was seen on all official branding material. This will not be the case anymore. Also, Google has tweaked Android’s brand colour as well by adding more blue into the previous green colour. This means that there is a very subtle change and something that matches Google’s Material Design colour palette.

Android logo (Before)
Android logo (After)

The only place where you will notice these new changes on your device is when you reboot it. On the Android splash screen that comes up, you will see the new logo and branding along with new colour. However, this will be on devices running Android Q and later so you will have to wait for these changes to come to your device.

Official Android colour palette

Along with the name and logo, Google released a new colour palette for Android’s branding as well. As you can see, there is now a new Android Green colour. The colours are noticeably more vibrant than before and reveal what’s to come in the near future for Android.

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