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Google offers a $35 coupon on its Titan Security keys making it almost free for the holiday season

Titan security key

Titan security key

Security and Privacy are two of the biggest talking points in the industry right now. Also, we have seen that these were the two big factors when it came to choosing smartphones, laptops and other devices. Now, we know that Apple’s iOS is regarded as the best in the security of its products while Google’s Android is not. However, we have seen that even Apple’s products can be hacked as well as its privacy can be compromised. For this reason, it is always advised to use higher security steps such as 2-factor authentication among other steps. Google offers this security for its users and many have been taking advantage of this.

However, those who are not enabling 2fa are also seeing higher risks of getting their accounts compromised. Now, a new method of securing your account has been introduced which is through a physical key named as Titan security key. Basically, the purpose of this key from Google is to secure your account so much that it cannot be opened unless the key is inserted in your PC or laptop. Also, the key now comes with a USB Type-C port so you can insert it in your phones too.

This means that your account will never be compromised if the key is with you. Talking about the Titan security key, Google is now offering a coupon code for its Titan security key ahead of the holiday season. Using the coupon code, you can get the security key almost for free which is worth it even at the original price of $50 for the security it provides. Talking about the coupon code, it is a $35 discount which brings down the price of the Titan security key to just $15. However, there is also a $20 Titan security key which becomes free and one just needs to pay a $4 shipping fee.

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