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How to Promote Your E-Commerce App

How to Promote Your E-Commerce App

The times are changing, and the option to have an online presence is no longer an option at all. For businesses in the digital age, having an e-commerce site is vital, and customers need to be able to find your website quickly, locate what they’re looking for and pay online without a hitch. Otherwise, they will shop elsewhere. The question is, do you need an e-commerce app as well as an online shop, or is your website enough?

Current statistics show that mobile devices account for 71% of total minutes spent online by Internet users in the U.S. For the first time, smartphones are taking over desktop use, and mobile apps are being used around the world to plan, browse and shop online. While most sites can be optimized for mobile devices, apps make for a more streamlined experience, giving customers the privilege of buying something from their pocket.

We now understand the benefits of having an e-commerce app, but many businesses have beautifully designed applications that simply aren’t being used. To grab the attention of the smartphone generation, you need to be able to promote your brand so that it stands out, and your e-commerce platform is no exception. With this in mind, here are three top tips to help you promote your app.

Improve Your Website

It doesn’t matter how great your app looks or how smooth the interface; if your website doesn’t reflect the same care and attention, your customers aren’t going to know about it, let alone download it. The best way to show off your app is through a separate landing page on your website. This page needs a clear call-to-action button such as “shop now’” or “click and play” and it needs to be clean, clear and user-friendly with an eye-catching visual design. There are a variety of professional New York advertising agencies that can help you optimize your website and drive more traffic to your app.

Optimize Your App Name

There are over 2 million apps in Apple’s App Store, so make sure you give your app a name that people will recognize. It also needs to be snappy and easy to remember; ideally below 11 characters, as this is what the user will see the app icon when they search. Again, branding your e-commerce app and choosing a name that incorporates keywords related to your business is something a full-service marketing agency can help you achieve.

Advertise on Social Media

Social media ads are a great way to let people know about your app. With Facebook, you can set demographics and interests that help you get higher returns by honing in on your target consumer. Again, you’ll want to consult a marketing agency to help you design your ad to maximize your number of installs. You can also create a YouTube video that demonstrates how your application works. Make sure you optimize your videos with keywords, titles, descriptions, and tags that drive traffic to your channel. Being active on social media is a great way to get listed in search engines, especially if you’re using the right keywords and optimizing your content.

Marketing an app can be complicated and time-consuming, which is why many companies hire experts to take care of their digital marketing for them. It may require a small investment on your part, but it will certainly be worth your while if it means more customers using your e-commerce app.

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