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Google Search Results can now be shared on any application

Share Search Results on Google

Share Search Results on Google

One of the most common question that comes to mind when someone asks an easy question is “Why can’t he just Google it?”. Yes, we know that and we have all been there. I have had multiple conversations with people where I have to tell them to just Google the query instead of wasting time asking on the internet. Now, this could be understood when someone elder than us who do not know how to search on the internet asks the questions. And we generally reply to them by searching on Google only.

However, it is annoying when someone of our age does this instead of searching it for himself. Now, one of the aggressive ways of telling them to Google it instead of saying “just google it” is to send them a link to LMGTFY which stands for Let Me Google That For You. This could be annoying for some while this could be an eye-opener for others.

But it seems that Google has read our minds. The latest Google app beta gets the feature where you can just send your search query to others. This means that what you have searched on Google, you can share it with others. This is an extremely useful feature for all those who refuse to search for themselves. Also, it could be a unique way to show how you are a power user on Google and know different ways of searching on Google.

For example, you can search a website’s content on Google by using the site: tag and so on. For sharing your search results, you need to open your Google app and search as you normally do and then click on the Share icon at the right-hand side. After that, just select any app that you want to share on or just copy it to the clipboard which you can paste anywhere.

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