Thought you had heard and seen the last of Blackberry? Oh, ye of little faith! While indeed its market share has since declined to almost zero from its glorious heydays only a few short years ago, it’s still a mightily familiar name that stands for quality and the sublime provision of ultra-secure and beautiful-looking feature phones and smartphones. It has recently gone through some terribly tough times, and its slowness to adapt and respond to new challenges and ever-complex global scenarios have doomed it somewhat. Yet, for snobby connoisseurs of the ultimate mobile experience like I, it’s absolutely peerless both in what it offers and how it offers it.
So, imagine our immense delight when its new DTEK-70 Android device was leaked by he who shall not be named. The smartphone is codenamed “Mercury” and scheduled for launch sometime early next year. The leaked images show off a beautifully premium-looking device akin to a Blackberry Passport, with a qwerty keypad and a 4.5-inch HD screen. A fingerprint sensor is reportedly integrated into the space bar, enabling its use without the changing of hand/finger position.
A 2 GHZ Qualcomm Snapdragon octa-core chipset is rumored to feature prominently under the hood, along with 32 GB of internal memory and 3 GB of RAM, which shows how seriously armed almost to the teeth it is. In line with its usual practice, hopes are high that Blackberry will further guild the device with a Corning Gorilla glass to guard against falls and scratches.
Cameras are supposed to be an 18 MP back shooter and an 8 MP front looker. Battery juice on the other hand is a reported heavy-duty 3,400 mAh. OS is the deliciously chewy Android Nougat we have all come to know and love. Prices won’t be announced anytime soon. But considering the specs and Blackberry’s earnest desire to get back in our good graces, it’s most likely to be relatively low.
Blackberry with this device and its other varied Android smartphones further restates its resolve to providing ultra-secure and relatively affordable smartphones for discriminating and loyal users.