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Zoom will allow you to report Zoombombers with its latest update



If you have seen the present scenario all over the world, you would already be aware about how things are going right now. Everyone is currently staying indoors due to the lockdown situation following Coronavirus crisis as well as people are working from home for those who can. Therefore, it also means that those who are working from home have to do video conferences in order to stay in touch. Now, it is also known that Zoom has emerged as the winner in this crisis because people have started to use Zoom in millions every day.

However, it is always said that when there are positives then there are negatives as well. Because there are major security flaws that have emerged inside Zoom’s systems that have been detected and people are starting to use the platform lesser and lesser now. These flaws are not only limited to security but also related to the privacy of the users. As far as these flaws are concerned, it is known that a new term called “Zoombombing” has been minted because of Zoom’s flaw where anyone can enter the Zoom meeting as long as they have the link and meeting is public.

Acing quickly though, Zoom has now started to push out security updates in order to make sure that their reputation is not hurt anymore and people continue to use their platform while others like Google Hangouts and Skype are catching up. In the latest software update for Zoom, the company says that users will now be able to report users who have entered a Zoom meeting without their permission. Also, users’ personal information such as email address, personal meeting ID and phone number, will be partially masked with asterisks to maintain the privacy of the users even if someone has entered the meeting and is unwanted in that situation.

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