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How to Iron Clothes without using Iron Box (Simple and Quick Method)

How to Iron Clothes without using Iron Box (Simple and Quick Method)

How to Iron clothes without using Iron box: Every one in the present scenario look for the work to be completed very quickly. Nowadays its a busy lifetime to every one of us. We want the works to be completed very quickly. But for everyone along with all the important criteria like Hair styling, Oral care, Body language, how much we take care but then dressing is the most necessary thing which gives meaning to all of the other upper mentioned criteria. So it shows what we are and tells about us. Along with that apparels look must give a good impression from our side right? Ironing is very important for our clothes perfection. Who are the ones among us doesn’t need it?

Some times we forget ironing our clothes then in the morning we will be in a hurry to run to our destinations. So you can iron your clothes in a simple way without the wastage of power, this technique will work in the absence of the power where you can present yourself by ironing your clothes even at the times it is not possible.

How to Iron Clothes without using Iron Box

  1. Firstly take the dried clothes
  2. Wrap them very neatly in a soft manner see there is no crushing on the clothes
  3. Fold them perfectly, according to your choice
  4. At last, place them under the mattress of your cot in same manner how you folded them.
  5. Sitting on the mattress where you placed your clothes under it (optional.)
  6. After few hours you find your clothes in such a way as they are ironed neatly,and soft.


  1. Simply take a slightly damp towel.
  2. lay the clothing out on a flat surface like a table, and place the towel directly on top of the clothing.

So  this technique works for them who are in a hurry in their timings,want the work to be done quickly. So try it and put yourself out from the negative side of the work which is not done by you even in the absence of power.

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