Anyone of you doesn’t like any limitations. And in your smartphone too, the limits set by the providers may be irritating you for the past few days. You might find out rooting of your Android device to break the limitations set by the developers will help you. Eagerness to access the world behind those limitations are endless. It pulls you to rooting your device without thinking twice. You may be thinking that the rooting can give you a better device in your hands. From some angles, you are true. But from others, it might sound like something weird.
Rooting is the process where you break the specific limitations set by the developers to access the system codes and specific functions. This secure environment protects your device from unwanted modifications as well as the dangerous malware attacks. Apart from this, it also blocks some useful features as, Screen Recording (In Android 4.4 KitKat and earlier), Custom Themes, System Tweaks, Specific app installs and many more. So, breaking it will give you access to all those, and you can enjoy the full features of the lovely device in your hands.
But, rooting breaks all security set by the developers in your device, and it might face some problems after rooting. Which means, there are some problems as well as some advantages. We listed some of the Problems of Rooting Android Devices that you should be aware of. So, let’s check it out.
1. The Secure Wall will be Broken
The default android system brings a secure environment on the system by limiting the access of several apps and programs to the system files and information. By breaking that limitation, there is a big chance for the device to be infected by trojans or malware all across the internet. Any infected apps, malicious links, unwanted downloads are all can cause problems without the presence of an effective antivirus program for your android device. Nevertheless to say that android is built by the global leaders of the tech world, Google. They made it in an extremely secure environment to keep the privacy of the users to a great extent. There is no need to say, what will happen if you break that secure wall.
2. Give a Good-Bye to Warranty
Every android device coming with a warranty of 1 or more years according to the manufacturers. Normally there will be a 1-year warranty for the device and a 6-month warranty for the box accessories including the chargers and headphones. The warranty also covers the software of your device. Any manufacturers won’t give warranty to the device modified by the users. Only a few companies like Google Nexus series provides the warranty for rooted android devices. So, if you are still on to rooting your smartphone, at least, wait for the warranty to be expired. It will, at least, save you some money if any problem occurs.
3. Updates will not be as Before
Updates of the system OS is a necessity to stay updated with the latest changes and bug fixes of the OS. By rooting your device, you are making changes to the system files may be for the update process too. The android developers furnishing the updates based on the previous latest version of the OS based on the basic development factors. If you have made changes to it by using some custom ROM’s, the things will not be good as before. There is a big change to the formation of bugs due to misconfiguration of the rooted version and the updated version of the OS. So, before updating your rooted device using the official version of the latest OS, think twice. You can always go for another custom ROM in the case of any errors.
4. You may Face some Risks while Rooting
Rooting is not that much of an easy task for the beginners. Even though the experienced android users can do that as easy as installing an app, the newbies may make some mistakes and those mistakes will badly affect the smartphone OS. Having that in account you must follow the exact steps as provided in your custom ROM installation guide. If you done that carefully, you will get your device rooted and can use it with full features unlocked. If you done that in the wrong way or got any power loss during the process, you might look for a phone repair or a completely new device. So, always be careful when rooting your devices. If you are not confident enough, ask someone’s help who is expert in custom ROM installation.
We have some Firmware update guides for a vast range of devices. If you found your devices there, you could always opt them.
5. The Device will lose its Connection from Developers
Rooting means, cutting down the full connection of the device from the developers. Most of the custom ROM’s are custom built by many of the developers other than the original ones. So, having a rooted device means, you have a completely customized fresh device in your hand. That’s why most of the companies won’t give the warranty for rooted devices. As you are also cutting down some of the security features of the smartphone, you might be careful; about the security of your files and passwords in your OS. For this, only install firmware from the trusted and most popular sources only.
In this article, we discussed many Problems of Rooting Android Devices. We listed some of the things that you must be aware of before rooting your smartphones. This doesn’t mean rooting a device is useless or you are putting your device at risk. As any things in life, this also has its own good and bad sides. We just made you aware of those for being completely aware of the effects of booting. So, while thinking of rooting your device, read the above problems carefully and if you still feel confident, you could always go for rooting your phone. It will bring you a wider place where you can completely control your device.