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SQLBak- Why You Should Ditch Your Current SQL Backup Tool

SQLBak- Why You Should Ditch Your Current SQL Backup Tool

SQLBak is what I’m going to be talking about in this guide. And nope I’m not asking you to buy this product, don’t! Just hear me out, if it’s not pure magic when it comes to SQL Backup, don’t even check it’s homepage out.

Let me get this straight to you unless you’re a hardcore web developer, you’re already using some SQL Backup tool on your website.

Because well, SQL is the backbone of your website, it’s what connects all the data strings together, and you do need its backup. So what I’ll do in this short, precise article for you is, I’ll just give you reasons why SQLBak is a potential contender to your tools. (In fact, why it’s better, here I said it, bold, cause I’m confident!)

SQLBak – Why You Should Ditch Your Current SQL Backup Tool?

Yeah, I know you’re already with an SQL Backup tool. But is it good enough? Can it get you what SQLBak can? Let me be honest, I tried SQLBak only last week, and I fell in love with it. Finding a SQL Developer online is a simple task if you search for online.

So why shouldn’t I spread the word, right? Here’s what SQLBak does (what others can’t!).

Is it “Better”?

Apart from that, it also offers you an extremely easy installation! You only have to install a tiny little program on your SQL server, and your stress level goes down to zero.

Here’s what happens

You install SQLBak on your server > You schedule the date/time for the backup > It takes the Backup > Uploads the backup to a preferred drive.

So? Almost everything that you had to do manually is done, automatically without you even needing to log in, right?

Additionally, as I said, you can manage all your SQL servers from one dashboard itself! No hustle there, no forgetting complicated passwords or things like that.

Final Words

I won’t stretch the thread, in simple words, if you want your SQL server backed up, if you want it all done automatically, if you have more than once servers to manage, if you don’t have the time to log in to every damn server manually every time, and if you’re serious about not losing your SQL server, go for SQLBak.

So bottom line? Yes, SQLBak is the complete SQL Backup solution for your SQL servers. Now if you do want a hassle-free SQL server management, this is the thing to go by.

Of course, doesn’t take my words for it; I’d say do check out their free 100% functional live control panel demo! They speak for themselves.

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