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Why you should Switch from Mac to Windows


Beef or fish, rye or bourbon, Clinton or Trump? The choice is indeed yours and definitely limitless. That helps in not needing a credible excuse to regularly spoil yourself silly and  splurge on expensive items.

So, you like your big Mac or cheesy Windows baked, broiled or fried in artery-hogging bacon fat? Battles and wars have endlessly been fought over this very issue. Fortunes wagered and lost. Empires also. Gods overthrown from Olympus for supporting one side of the issue or another. And here we are about to hash over the same topic again. Sighs. Good thing I got a 4-inch thick bulletproof vest on and a Kalashnikov in my breast pocket! So let’s begin, but kindly keep the 991 line on speed dial and your membership in the local Krav Maga club active.

So, let’s finally begin. Both are undoubtedly excellent designs, packing features your grandfather from the 80’s would definitely think as science fiction and are Salem witch trials worthy. While both provide relatively similar capabilities, the design philosophy are different as apples and orange windows. The Mac is the perennially overachieving honor student, ivy league graduate who is expected to leave a mark akin to Mount Washington on history. While the Windows is the guy who went to trade school and fixes your plumbing like a boss. But for that, it’s still magnificently effective and we think superior at what it does. Here’s why we think so.

The Mac on the other hand packs a few little itty bitty games only a visually impaired and arthritic Johnny Appleseed can love. Yes, it’s that gut-wrenching and diarrhea-inducing bad.

The Mac comes expensive as sin and about as palatable. For the price of the cheapest Mac bundle, you can easily get a mid-range spec Windows PC with most of the bells and whistles not even available on the Mac.

So, all these and more show the Windows platform superiority over the Mac. Should you switch over. Absolutely like a bullet train on NOS.

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