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How To Flush DNS In Windows?


You work with your computer every day for performing a wide range of work. It includes browsing Internet, emails, video streaming and much more. Each time you access a particular website, the relevant DNS resolutions are fetched from the web and stored on the computer.

The DNS resolutions are stored in the cache on your computer and will be accumulated over the period of time. If you are not flushing out the DNS cache, the speed of your web browsing activity will be slowed down. It will impact the way you navigate the web. Hence, it is vital for you to clear the DNS cache on Windows. In this article, we will show you how to flush the DNS cache.

To flush your DNS, open the Windows command prompt by entering “cmd” in the “Ask me anything” search box if you are using Windows 10. As soon as you type cmd, Windows 10 will display the details as shown below.

DNS Cache

If you select the “Command Prompt” option, you will view DOS prompt, where you need to type the command ipconfig /flushdns on the command prompt. You should not activate Cortana in Windows 10 because it will display the search results instead of opening the command prompt.

You need to select Start, Run and type “cmd” in the text box if you are using Windows XP. If you are using Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8, you need to select “Start” button and provide the word “Command” in the search field.

You need to right-click on the command prompt icon and select “Run as Administrator” option. You just need to provide ipconfig /flushdns if you are using any one of the Windows platforms. After running the command, you will view a confirmation message when the DNS cache is successfully cleared.

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If you perform DNS cache flushing activity, all the data stored in the cache will be erased. Your computer will look for fresh DNS information. You need to perform DND cache flushing once in every three months for a smooth Web experience.

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