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A New Jailbreak Released That Unlocks Every New Apple iPhone Ever Released

A New Jailbreak Released That Unlocks Every New Apple iPhone Ever Released

We have said time and again that if you are someone who wants to use their phone the normal way then you are better of buying an iPhone. However, if you are of the type who likes to tinker with their phones then Android is the way to go for you.

This is because we have seen that Android phones tend to be unlocked very easily which is called the process of “rooting”. Now, if you think that unlocking an iPhone is impossible then you are wrong because “jailbreak” exists on the iPhone as well.

However, we must acknowledge the fact that jailbreaking the latest iPhones was becoming difficult because 0f the Apple security as no one unlocking or jailbreaking tool was available. But that has changed now because a new jailbreaking tool has been released which claims to be able to unlock any iPhone. Yes, this means that your iPhone 11 series can also be jailbroken with this tool if that is what you were looking for.

Talking about this jailbreaking tool, it is said that the tool can jailbreak even the latest iPhones running iOS 13.5 which was released very recently by Apple. However, this tool might not work on newer versions of iOS so if you want to jailbreak then better not update your iPhone right now.

TechCrunch reports that jailbreaking is possible due to finding of “previously undisclosed vulnerability in iOS that break through some of the many restrictions that Apple puts in place to prevent access to the underlying software”

This should tell you that while some Android manufacturers like OnePlus encourage their users for rooting their device, Apple is the exact opposite and it heavily discourages you to do so. This jailbreak has been released by unc0ver team and is compatible with iPhones running iOS 11 or higher.

Source: TechCrunch

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