Many people these days started using smartphones to play games, make phone calls, check emails and even video calls. Android is world’s most popular mobile operating system with lots of capabilities. In a world of Android, everything is possible when it comes to customization. Ever feel boredom when checking your Android device home screen or ever looked at friends Android device and envied the look and feel of the home screen layout? Not a problem, even you to customize your device, it is pretty easy with the EverythingMe launcher.
EverythingMe is an Android launcher and home screen replacement app that brings endless customization options to your Android device. It gives a completely fresh look to your Android device with a minimalist-friendly user interface. However, unlike other launchers just focus on funky wallpapers, icons, and widgets, EverythingMe can completely change the behavior and usage of your home screen. It provides its users quick access to three main areas i.e. App drawer, Sidebar, and Searches, either via their dedicated icons just above the dock or by simple swipe gestures which are left, right and up.In this review, we take a closer look at the smart features of EverythingMe in detail.
EverythingMe Android Launcher Review
The name itself self-explanatory, it is packed everything required by an Android power user. After my OnePlus One Lollipop update I was looking for a power-packed launcher, luckily I have found EverythingMe launcher. Starting off, after downloading and installing EverythingMe from Google Play store it launches with features like Smart Folders, Quick Contacts Panel, Context Feed and much more.
Smart Folders
Android is an advanced OS for smartphones, by default the apps are not arranged. It is one of the most common and irritating problems for a heavy app user. Sometimes it is very hard to find the required app from a list of installed apps. EverythingMe launcher simply solves this situation by creating smart folders. Smart Folders is a very good feature comes with EverythingMe, it arranges apps in smart folders based on their category.
Quick Contacts Panel
Quick Contacts Panel is a very easy solution for regular talkaholics. On the Home Screen layout just swiping on the left to right brings the quick contacts panel. For heavy phone users, this feature makes it easier to access contacts you want.
The Prediction Bar
The Prediction Bar simply is a recent app history bar, it shows recently opened apps along with the date. It helps you to quickly open recently opened apps on the home screen.
Fastest search
It is always hard to find the contacts, apps and much more if you maintain a huge library. Just type name your looking for, EverythingMe fastest search presents the results with just one tap.
Customizable Gestures
Gestures are very user-friendly touches which can easily open the camera, play and pause, flash without unlocking the lock screen.
Lucky / Daily Wallpaper
Ever feel boredom when looking at your Android home screen? For EverythingMe launcher users they never ever complain about home screen appearance. The app is packed with Lucky / Daily wallpaper feature, it daily changes your Android device wallpaper from a library of beautiful stock wallpaper.
Contextual App Discovery
Contextual App Discovery features really helpful to you when you search for a specific category of apps. For example, if you open a photography smart folder it shows “More Apps”, clicking on the more opens most relevant apps related to the category.
After started using it, you are likely to spend a lot of your time customizing this launcher because there’s simply so much to explore. Besides wallpapers, you can also download and apply icon packs, folder styles, the number of home screens, widgets, apps, photo taken cards and much more.
The main aim of this launcher is to make your Android experience simpler and more streamlined by putting frequently accessed features up and front. I personally enjoyed the Prediction bar feature, it is pretty easy to access recently opened items.
The last, but definitely not the least, an awesome thing about EverythingMe is its smart folders on the lock screen. It is really helpful to open apps without unlocking the device. It is a pretty handy feature to open apps on the go.
It’s hard to sum up EverythingMe launcher in a word, it offers a plethora of features to customize your Android like never before. It is unarguably one of the simplest launcher apps we’ve seen so far. In a simple words, EverythingMe is beautiful and robust launcher ever created for Android.