Smartphones are being developed more powerfully over the days. New features are adding to the devices by improving their capabilities. Now, the devices are capable of understanding our voice commands and operate according to our instructions. Today’s devices are capable of answering our questions. The ‘Siri’ is the best example of the answering power of the smartphones. Apple developed the ‘Siri’ which is capable of answering many of your arithmetic and logical operations including some smartphone functions. Smartphones are capable of doing something beyond our imagination.
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Beyond the basic functions like Calling, Chatting, Browsing, Streaming, the tech nerds found that the smartphones in your hands are smarter than they look like. Your devices are capable of resisting accidental drops, scratches, water or even fire. Today’s technology made it possible in making the smartphone most reliable and featured one in your hands. The tech world is in search of something bigger and better as in any field. Some manufacturers already introduced some curved devices. Recently the Edge series introduced by Samsung put forward a way of implementing curved edges on smartphones. Nevertheless to say that the device was a huge successor.
Anyway, the developers are in search of something new to implement on future devices. Expecting some huge stepovers in the manufacturing of smartphones is not far apart from us. So, we wrote this article on “Why the Next 10 Years of Smartphones will Smash the Last 10.” This will explain you the noticeable changes that may be on the future devices when compared to the previous years. So, let’s have look at them.
You could Fold your Phone
Folding your phone will make it ease of carrying it anywhere in any of your small pockets. Nevertheless to say that this change may be near these years. Recent rumors stated that Samsung is to introduce their flexible devices in 2016. It’s already 2016 now. So, this year may give us the phone in our dream which can be folded drop resistant and unbreakable. As we seen on many tech films, we may be soon able to hold those Zeus devices in our hands. So, many companies other that Samsung is in the warehouse of creating the best device which can be folded like a rubber sheet and put anywhere you like. But, how could they include those hardware inside this foldable devices? How is it possible to fold those chips and boards inside the smartphones? All are some mysteries.
In Built Projectors
Not getting enough space on your screen to watch your HD movies and play good games in its extreme reality? Here comes the future devices with inbuilt projectors. Last year fired up some rumors about the iPhone 6 may be having an inbuilt projector which can project the videos and games on any of the walls, clothes or anywhere you like. But, that doesn’t happen. In 2010, Samsung launched the Galaxy Beam with a projector. The device was featured a built-in DLP WVGA projector which can project your screen on any surface. But, it wasn’t enough for projecting high-quality videos or games for seamless visual quality.
So, the developers are still in search of something which can give you the same quality as you getting on your devices or more than that if possible. Today 2K screen devices are plenty on the market. If they are able to make that quality on the projector, it will be a great visual experience. As per the rumors, the near future years will welcome those inbuilt projector devices.
You could Control your Phone Seamlessly with your Voice
We are all familiar with the ‘Siri’ which can accept our voice and give results in respond to our instructions. Siri can answer to numerous questions. It was a great step to the future of voice control. Google also introduced their voice search future that helps to search the web using the voice instead of keyboards. It was a great future which can save a lot of stress by tapping on the screen continuously. They are still in research to find a seamless voice controlled device with a completely customized interface for voice control.
If it really comes true, we will be able to control the smartphones only using our voice. Never need even a single tap on the screen for any task. All wanted to do is to tell something as we are instructing to our elder brother. He will do all for you according to the commands. So, waiting for it may pay you a good mysterious voice controlled device. We may expect it in near future.
3D Visual Projection
The 3D visual projection is the extreme level of entertainment that we can expect these days. The tech world already produced many devices and virtual reality rooms to perform the same. But till the date, it is not available in your lovely devices. Comprising the 3D visual projection on smartphones will bring the virtual world on the go. Anywhere any time, you could enjoy the happiness of the real world like visuals from your smartphone. But, making it possible is not an easy task as we talk about it. As we seen on the English films, those catchy VFX is gonna come true within our handy devices. So, this might be also a breath taker in the coming days.
The smartphone world is progressed like a huge forest. The smartphone-controlled world is not that much far from us. Many of the breathtaking features already fired up in the smartphones. There is still more features to come which will show the huge difference between the last 10 years and the upcoming 10 years of the smartphones. We listed the most expected and the biggest changes that we could expect coming days. We think you enjoyed it, and it helped you to explore the future of the smartphones. If you found it helpful, don’t forget to leave your comments in the following comment area. We are always happy to see your finger marks there.