Keyboard shortcuts are something that designed to reduce the works of the users by providing a simpler way to do complicated tasks. In windows OS, the tasks are much easier when compared to other operating systems in the globe. Even though, a lot of keyboard shortcuts helps the users to increase the productivity of the OS. So, we listed some of the most useful windows keyboard shortcuts that you should know if you are a windows user. They will work on any windows versions like Windows XP, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10. So, have a look at those basic windows keyboard shortcuts.
Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Insert
Ctrl+C and Ctrl+Insert is used to copy a selection, either a set of text or images to the clipboard if the content is copyable. If the selected text or content is not allowed to copy, the shortcut will not work.
Ctrl+X is used to cut the highlighted content. Either it is text or image or any other content that can be cut, the shortcut will work. It is actually a copy-delete process where the selected content will be copied to the clipboard and will be deleted from the existing area.
Ctrl+V or Shift+Insert
Ctrl+V and Shift+Insert will paste the copied or cut text or content to the selected area. If you’ve selected some text or content on the area to paste, the current clipboard item will replace the selected content.
Ctrl+Z will undo any action done just before you doing that. For example, if you’ve just cut a text from somewhere, the Ctrl+Z will undo the change and place the cut text again at the correct position. This shortcut is very useful in softwares like Photoshop and many other softwares to undo any action. Repeated pressing of the Ctrl+Z shortcut will undo the actions one by one in several softwares.
Ctrl+Y just does the reverse of the Ctrl+Z. It will redo the action which undo’ed by Ctrl+Z. Actually, any action done by the Ctrl+Z shortcut can be undo’ed by Ctrl+Y.
Ctrl+F is used to find something in specific softwares or areas like Text editors, Browsers, etc… The shortcut will work at most of the places in windows and is very useful to find something quickly without wasting time.
Ctrl+S is used to save something either in a document program or other types of editors or programs that allow saving content. For example, in Photoshop, to save something, pressing Ctrl+S will do the job. In a browser window, to save a page, pressing the same will do the task.
Ctrl+P is used to print the current page or document where the printing functionality is allowed. You could use it to print a currently viewed item like an image showed in the image viewer, a PDF file viewed in a PDF viewer, or even this page opened in your Browser.
Alt+Tab is used to switch between program windows that are currently running. For example, currently, you are viewing this webpage in your browser. If you want to switch to any other program windows that are currently open in your background, just press Alt+Tab, and it will switch the open programs one by one on each press.
Note: Windows 7 and Vista users could also press Win+Tab keys together to do the same.
Ctrl+Tab is used to switch the open tabs in a single program. For example, if you’ve multiple tabs open in your browser, pressing Ctrl+Tab will switch between them.
Ctrl+Back space
Ctrl+Back Space will delete the entire word instead of a single character. For example, if you pressed backspace in a text editor, it will only remove a single character before the cursor. But, if you press Ctrl+Back Space, it will delete a word just before the cursor.
Ctrl+Home or Ctrl+End
Ctrl+Home will move the cursor to the beginning of the document. For example, if you are reading a long story and wanted to go the beginning of the document, pressing Ctrl+Home will do the task.
Ctrl+End will move the cursor to the end of the document. If you wanted to switch to the end of a document quickly, just press Ctrl+End keys together.
Ctrl+Left or Right arrow
Ctrl+Left arrow or Ctrl+Rigth arrow will move the cursor one word to the left or right respectively. Normally, pressing the arrow will only move the cursor to a single character. But adding a Ctrl will make it skip a word.
Note: Holding down Ctrl + Shift and then pressing the left or right arrow key will move the cursor alongside highlighting the words.
Page Up and Page Down or Spacebar
Page Up or Page Down keys will move the pages up and down. For example, if you want to read the next page of a long PDF document, pressing Page Down key will get you there. If you wanted to read the previous page, just press Page Up.
The Spacebar will scroll the page down for easier reading. The Spacebar will also scroll the web pages, if your browser supports the shortcut.
Now, you’ve got the most basic, but very important windows keyboard shortcuts that each and every windows user should know. These keyboard shortcuts will boost the productivity of the OS to a great extent by making the difficult tasks to the simplest. Try to use them in your daily work and save some of your valuable time. If you have anything to ask to us, just do it by commenting in the following comment area. We will get back to you ASAP.