TTY, or also known as the teletypewriter, is a device used to help deaf people communicate with each other. The hearing inability will be solved to a great extent using this mode which is pre-built in most of the modern day smartphones. TTY devices allow deaf people to communicate with each other by transmitting the signals in a recognizable format. Enabling this feature will bring down many other smartphone functions and will ultimately prepare the smartphone ready for use.
Both persons should have a TTY device or a smartphone which is TTY ready. They can communicate over vast distances regardless of the obstacles between the signal ranges. As such people are not able to have a normal smooth conversation over voice, TTY devices became more popular these days.
The technology advancement contributed hugely to the area thus making new inventions for smoother communication between people with disabilities.
TRS is yet another term you should be aware of. The full form is the Telecommunications Relay Service. This service translates words into text, and text into words. This is very helpful for the non-hearing-impaired person to speak to the phone and to hear back the converted voice. Like this, hearing an impaired person can type words and see the words typed back on the screen. As the TTY, new technologies are being developed to make the TRS communication easier.
Connecting the to the TTY devices is very easy. You just have to connect the smartphone headset to a TTY device through the headphone jack. Then just enable the TTY settings from the smartphone. Usually, the TTY settings are found under “General Settings” menu. As mentioned before, enabling the function will cause normal calls and messages to stop working. So, be cautious when enabling the TTY services.