RFID or Radio-Frequency Identification is a small electronic device consist of a small chip and an antenna and is capable of carrying a very small amount of data in it. They are working for the same purpose as a bar code or magnetic strip which needs to be scanned to get information. Unlike the barcodes, it need not be placed precisely relative to the scanner. It comes handy while the scanning process needs to be faster as possible. If you have ever experienced the checkout from a supermarket delayed due to the barcode scanning process took longer, you will love the RFIDs.
The RFID devices can work even from a distance of 20 meters from the scanner (for high-frequency RFIDs.) It shows its relevance when compared to those barcode readers. Many companies use this technology to keep track of their items. However, due to the lack of standards and proper development, the technology is being slowly wiped out from the industry. Recently many RFID manufacturers sold out their productions for some pennies/piece to the customers (especially to some multinational, e-commerce giants.)
The RFIDs doesn’t require a person to manually scan each and every product. It can be set in a holder or anything stable, and the products could pass through. The device automatically scans them and store information. As mentioned earlier, it is not necessary to pass the products very close to the scanner or to precisely place it in the correct place. It can fix small fluctuations in the positioning of the products. So, the RFIDs used by numerous big companies for many decades to keep track of their items and increase productivity.
What do you think about the RFIDs? It still has relevance over the normal barcode readers and other such technologies?
That’s all for now, I hope this article is sufficient to know about RFID. Please do share your views and comments in the comment box.