Our lives have improved a lot since the implementation of modern technology. From the workplace to education to entertainment, the results speak for themselves. It has given unlimited access to information, therefore revolutionizing the way we learn, think, and communicate. In this discussion, we will particularly explore the relationship between technology and education. This will include inspecting the positive as well as negative influences of technology, as well as the role education plays in our lives. So let’s get started.
Impact of technology on education
How often have you heard people comparing technology to a double-edged sword? All the time, isn’t it? That’s because in every sector it gives a lot of benefits, while also bringing along drawbacks. Since we are focusing on the education sector, let us contextualize the technological influence.
Positive impact
Young children are curious by default. Their curiosity makes them eager to explore the world. Introducing technology in education piques their interests. It is a great switch from traditional methods as technology will keep them hooked from the very beginning. Also, we live in modern times, where ultimately technology is associated with fun and entertainment. Most importantly, technology is the present and future. The more digital literate the students are taught to be, the better it is for their future. In other words, technology in the education sector prepares children for tomorrow’s world.
Negative impact
Remember technology is a double-edged sword, so here comes the drawback. Children are curious, but it can work in a downward spiral too. Certain information is restricted to limited groups, and that’s for a reason. Unfortunately, the internet opens the door to access inappropriate information or content, and it even gets worse when no proper security measures are in place. Additionally, technology can get addictive, if left unattended it will result in physical and mental health issues. Furthermore, when children spend excess time using screens, they end up missing out on the benefits that come along with interacting and socializing with their peers. Sadly, this makes them more isolated and disconnected from society.
The role of education in our lives
Before we move on to analyzing the relationship between technology and education, let us first acknowledge the importance of education in our lives. People emphasize education because they understand it is essential to living a good life. As children grow older, their lives change and require them to become responsible. That’s where education plays an important role in preparing the children early on to develop communication and problem-solving skills that will help them to make good life decisions.
In the modern time we are living in, it’s not just the population that is increasing, but also the competition. Businesses hire candidates who have higher qualifications. So children are expected to prioritize education to earn a higher income, which will allow them to live a more comfortable life. Not only this, education is vital to the growth of the economy. It allows people to gain knowledge, which is then applied to benefit themselves and society.
Technology vs Education
Having laid the foundation of the technology vs education debate and building an outline, let us now jump straight into the discussion. For this, the following factors are worth taking into account.
Improved accessibility to infinite resources
Today’s world is driven by innovation and for that access to information is essential. It’s because only once you have access to resources, you can fully comprehend how things work. Earlier when modern technology was still in its infancy, people’s options were limited to the resources they can get hold of. This also included limited career options. The few popular career choices were the only ones that students aimed for.
Technology changed our whole perception when it gave us access to infinite resources. People’s choices were not confined to merely what was popular and available in the vicinity. Instead, it gave the students the opportunities to explore various topics and decide the one that suits their needs. Plus, technology eliminated all the geographical barriers. Students from one region can access the educational resources from the institutions across the globe that too only from their devices and internet connection. We cannot thank technology enough for providing opportunities for learning and growing.
Improved communication and other essential skills
We cannot underestimate the importance of excellent communication as it is an essential life skill to get things done. In the education sector, teachers are aiming at integrating technology to improve student’s communication skills. This includes digital storytelling, podcasts, educational applications, and collaborating tools. From your personal experience, you can confirm as well that the information learned from visual learning with interactivity stays in your memory longer than plain one-way communication. That way, technology helps in better retention of information. Plus, technology provides students with tools that allow them to communicate with their mentors and seek guidance. Along with this, technology helps learners to acquire new knowledge and develop skills.
Educational technology explained
In childhood, carrying bulky textbooks to school was tough. And when the school period got canceled unexpectedly, all the efforts seemed more daunting. Thanks to modern technology, now students don’t have to worry about it anymore. Digital books are increasingly becoming popular that can be easily accessed through devices. Then, we have advanced educational technology such as virtual reality, gamification, cloud technology, and 3D printing, paving the path for the transformational learning experience. And as we all know children are inherently more curious, so educational technology is perfect too for assisting them to explore the world.
How has the journey of exploring technology vs education been so far? Did you realize their importance and impact on our lives? Now coming to the end of the analysis we can say that educational technology is the future. It is a sure way of increasing the engagement of the students and helping them to understand the concepts better. It makes education more appealing to them as the learning experience is not limited to just reading the information, but also experiencing them firsthand.