Time and again, we have heard that Amazon and Google are hearing our conversations. People have been complaining regarding their Amazon Echo devices listening to their conversation. Not only that, but Amazon employees are also said to be listening to your conversation. For this reason, people are wanting to delete their conversations from Echo devices. Now, this can be possible and very easily as well.
With the latest update to Amazon Alexa, you can now delete your conversation every day with just a command. You can now tell your Alexa-assisted device “Alexa, delete everything I said today,” and this will tell your Echo or another Alexa-powered device to delete everything that you have said on that particular day.
Obviously, this means that you have to call out this command at the end of the day to delete the entire conversation of that day. Otherwise, you will have to call this command out multiple times as the commands will be recorded throughout the day.
However, you will have to set this feature in your Alexa app’s settings first of all. For this, go to the Settings section and click on Alexa account > Alexa Privacy > Review Voice History and then toggle “Enable deletion by voice” from here. This will also work if your roommates or family members call out the command at the end of any day. This will come handy when you forget to tell the command out.
We are also getting to know that another command is coming to Alexa devices near you. This command will be to “delete what I just said”. And this feature lets you delete the last conversation that you had with Alexa. With every command you give to Alexa, you can say this command and nothing will be recorded on your account. Amazon says that this feature will come over the next few weeks in the US.