A woman from Portland contacted Amazon to investigate about the Alexa, which is recorded the private conversation and sent it to a random contact. Amazon Alexa is a voice-controlled speaker, which actually listen to your commands to do things. But this is a strange situation, where it recorded private conversations of the person.
According to the woman:
“My husband and I would joke and say I’d bet these devices are listening to what we’re saying,” said Danielle, who did not want us to use her last name.
But Danielle said two weeks ago their love for Alexa changed with an alarming phone call. “The person on the other line said, ‘unplug your Alexa devices right now,'” she said. “‘You’re being hacked.'”
“We unplugged all of them and he proceeded to tell us that he had received audio files of recordings from inside our house,” she said. “At first, my husband was, like, ‘no you didn’t!’ And the (recipient of the message) said ‘You sat there talking about hardwood floors.’ And we said, ‘oh gosh, you really did hear us.'”
“A husband and wife in the privacy of their home have conversations that they’re not expecting to be sent to someone in their address book,” she said.
According to the original news source, the husband of the Woman confirmed that the recording is received by the contact. Also, to resolve the issue Amazon offered de-provision of the device, but the women is hoping Amazon gives her a refund for her devices.
It is not the first time for the Amazon to deal with this kind of issue. Back in March, Alexa received complaints from people regarding laughs from the speaker. Few Alexa users have listened to some unprompted laughs from the speaker which leads to a proper fix the device.
A friend of mine at work just a couple of days ago told me this very thing happened at his moms house. He was face timing with his her(he jokes she is jealous of Alexa, his dad just loves it) and out of the blue in the background Alexa started to laugh, he even heard it on his end. Said it was super creepy. I’m waiting the have the holy hell scared out of me one quiet evening…or even worse, awakened by the one a foot from my head while I’m sleeping.
That’s all for now. Please do share your views and feedback in the comment box below.