We have seen that the prices of bitcoin and the other cryptocurrencies in the market have always been a hot topic and something that we have talked about a lot. There have been talks of how Bitcoin reached the $20K few years back and many believe that it was the best that bitcoin saw in terms of pricing and that it might not be repeated. At the moment, Bitcoin’s price is hovering around the $10k mark and many predictions are that it will reach $20k by end of this year. But we are never far away from some extremely generous predictions from market analysts every once in a while.
There has been a new prediction from analysts and it is something that many would laugh off at first glance. While we are seeing Bitcoin’s price right now at $10k, an analyst has predicted that the next bull run will bring its price to $150k. The analyst named Simon Dedic suggested that these gains will not be reflected across the entire cryptocurrency market. Simon is the co-founder of analysis firm regarding cryptocurrency named Blockfyre so we will have to take his word for it.
As we have mentioned earlier, this analysis from the Blockfyre co-founder is surely a head turner. And things get interesting when he says that “Ether is set to fare even better increasing more than 3,570% from current levels around $245 to a price of $9,000. And Binance Coin is predicted to see a 2,750% rise to $500”.
In our opinion, if these prices are to be achieved then we will witness the biggest bull run in the history of stock markets that have never been seen before and might not be seen in decades to come. And as we can feel, this prediction is crazy so we might not see this happening at all.