You might have seen that the deadly coronavirus epidemic has affected people in China and all over the world. Also, this has caused a lot of business damage as well but it is a different scenario altogether. Now, you might have also heard that there is a cruise ship sailing in the ocean right now which has been quarantined from last 2 weeks. This was a normal cruise ship that took its voyage and was scheduled to visit many Asian countries in 14 days. However, some of the passengers on this cruise were diagnosed with coronavirus which meant that the whole ship had to be isolated and quarantined.
This is in order to not let the passengers and crew members of this cruise ship to get infected by this virus. Since it is not possible right now to cure the virus as no medicines have been found yet. Now, a new relation with technology has emerged out of this quarantined cruise ship. As it has been found out that the passengers and crew members of this ship have been given 2000 iPhones while in quarantine.
The iPhones were given to these passengers because the Japanese health ministry has an app through which they can communicate the affected patients with the doctors remotely. Now, there is no case of iPhones being better or safer here than Android as some might already have made up in their minds. Rather, this is just the case of the Japanese health ministry’s app which they think would work better on iOS rather than Android.
In fact, the original idea was to hand out Android since they can be cheaper than iPhones but the compatibility on Android devices was a concern for the app. Also, the devices in question are reportedly the iPhone 6s and 2000 of them have been handed out now. Also, it is assumed that these devices will be refurbished or recycled since they can’t be used as infections would be present on them.