For those who have been following the Android news from a while now, you must be aware of the US-Huawei saga and the fact that US banned Huawei from working with any US company and also directed the US companies to snap all financial ties with them.
The biggest loss for Huawei in all this was that Google being the US company would have to cut their supply of Android license and since Android is open-source, Huawei can use Android but not with Google services. However, the US department was giving temporary licenses to Huawei for supporting its customers with Android license.
Now that time has also come where the temporary license has not been renewed and it looks like Huawei will not get any temporary licenses to support their customers further. For those who own Huawei phones, this is obviously not good news.
To make things clearer for you, the non-renewal of the license means that it is now “illegal for Google and other software developers to send updates to Huawei”. Basically, it means that Huawei has been outlawed to get any support from Google.
What this also means is that the Android 11 update for your Huawei devices will most likely not arrive when Google launches the latest version. It is possible that the update may come eventually via the AOSP version which Huawei would modify and send updates on their own.
But there is also a catch for that which is that phones without Google services will get those updates while those that had the Google version of Android won’t be able to get the AOSP version too.
If your phone is running Google’s version of Android with Google services and you are worried about software updates then the options you have are either to upgrade to a new phone or root and install AOSP version of Android.