Internet Technology is growing in the fast pace from the year 2000, which was backed by the broadband in the beginning stage. The revolution of Smartphones and Mobile Internet service, rolling the number of Internet users in higher trend every day.
Recently an estimation says 3.2 billion people of the world will be the users of Internet by the end of the year 2015, which is nearing in few days. This estimation was released in the reports of United Nation’s “International Telecommunication Union (ITU)”.
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The reason for the big growth in Internet users is, without any doubt, the Mobile Internet facility. All credits go to the Smartphones and related Smart devices that can access The internet. These devices urge the people to get an Internet connection to use the modern smart technologies in their hands.
Almost all the countries in the world, having Mobile Internet Service operators, who are owning the backbone infrastructures and satellite spectrum rights to provide the Internet service.With the joint development of Mobile Internet service providers and Smartphone Industry, the growth of Internet users crossed 3 billion marks now.
In the estimation of ITU, nearly 2 billion users will belong to the developing countries. But, the least developed countries will have only 89 million users as per the estimate.
Also the broadband connections, the cause for the earlier growth of Internet, is lagging in its number of users further. Particularly, in the least developed countries, most of the places were not covered by Broadband yet.
Mobile Internet is increasing its areas of coverage and number of users day by day in the under developing countries and in the least developed countries in a slow pace. As per estimation, 69% of the world has 3G Internet coverage. In rural areas, it is only 29%, which is worse.
Comparing to the 400 million Internet users on the year 2000, the growth of 3.2 billion is massive growth. In the upcoming years, with the development of 4G Internet and other Infrastructures of Mobile Networks, the Internet users numbers will increase further. In early 2016, more than 3.2 billion people of this world will use The internet.