In today’s busy lives there are so many things which one has to remember. And to be honest, it gets so messy, that one often forgets about things. And the worst part is when you are tired, and exhausted while you reach home only to find out the groceries are out of stock.
Many readers while feeling the empathy I am trying to explain here.
Here Comes Smartcooks:
Smartcooks is a brilliant app which managed many tasks from your busy life in one go. It has 3 main features which will be helping you to get things done pretty effectively and in a planned manner. And the best part about it is, that you have to keep a regular check on them so that you can remain tension free. And focus on the things, which are way important and time-consuming. So let us have a look at some of its features in some detail.
Special Recipes for You:
This is one of the smartest features of the app. This feature in the app will show you the recipes of the dishes you can cook right at your place with the groceries you have. No need for running out to the local market, to get any extra things. The app will be fetching you all the dishes in the world, which you could probably make with the supply you have with you at the time. Which makes it quite interesting and helping. As there are sometimes, when you are running late, and there is just not the time to go out and shop for the meal you are to cook.
One Click Shop List:
This one feature again is a great time saver. When you are to cook a special dish, you probably go out and buy ingredients for that particular dish. And this is where it gets quite confusing. The chances of you missing out on an ingredient are quite high.
With the smart cook app, you can get an instant shop list generated for all the ingredients you need to buy to cook a dish you are looking forward to. Though you can carry out this process on your own, with Smartcooks, the time for the whole process is greatly reduced. Just click on the dish you want to cook, and generate a shopping list, and head out to the market. As simple as that.
Smart Suggestions:
There are times when you really don’t know what to cook. Don’t worry if you run into this situation. Smartcooks has got you covered here as well. The app also suggests you dishes which you could cook and enjoy. This is done based on the previous interactions and the meals you have cooked in the past. Using the app of course. As it constantly keeps on learning the things you liked the most and prepared a whole bunch of data feed based on those deductions.
Pantry Management:
With this feature you can track the items, you have in your pantry. It lets you see what you have in stock and what you don’t. After you buy a complete shopping list, which you generate using the app itself. Add it with one click to your pantry.
Even you can scan the items and add them to your pantry. Again the idea here is to save you as much time as possible. And whenever you want to cook something based on the things you have in your pantry, the app will suggest you dishes while looking at this list. Which can save you a great deal of time, as you won’t be needing to go out and grab groceries?
So you get the basic things the app does. It helps you save time while making the cooking process more organized and less mind consuming. It is like you perfect assistant who manages your groceries and kitchen, and Pantry. Lets you find dishes on the basis of ingredients you have in your home and make one-click shopping lists for any dish you wish to cook. And with time the app really learns a lot, and with that, it gets better and better at suggesting you things you can cook. And that is what the motto of the company signifies, Making Cooking Fun Again.
If you are android users don’t worry there is also a dedicated app and you can download from here. If you have any further doubts about how this app works, you can get to us in the form of comments below, or also you can reach out to their official support by visiting the link.