Notepad++ is very popular among code editors. It’s easy and customizable interface is the highlights for its success and popularity. Unfortunately, Notepad++ is not available for Mac OSsx. If you are looking for Notepad++ like program for Mac, this article will help you to find out.
These are the top 5 alternatives for Notepad++ for Mac with similar functionality and productivity.
Best Notepad++ Alternatives For Mac OSx
Sublime Text
Sublime Text is available for both Mac and Windows. It is our preferred best alternative to the Notepad++. It has almost all features supported by Notepad++. You can search anything in search pretty easily with ⌘P command. Sublime text allows multiple selections and changes at a time. This feature is helpful to change lines fastly and saves time. It also has the distraction free mode, it uses full screen and chrome free editing.
Sublime Text is available for OSx, Windows, and Linux. One license is enough to run on every computer you own, no matter what operating system it uses.
Atom is our second choice as Notepad++ alternative for Mac OSX. It is developed by very own GitHub team. It’s hackable to the core feature is the best part of the program. You will have continuous updates from the community, and you can expect latest changes every time.
Also, it supports multiple platforms, you can use it on OSx, Windows, and Linux.
Brackets is our third alternative for the Notepad++. Developed by Adobe, don’t need a special introduction for the programmers. It has a special feature called Extract, which lets you color, gradient, font information from a PSD file automatically and you will be able to turn the data directly to CSS. It is a pretty useful step for web developers who turn a PSD sheet into a website. It also has frequent updates, and you can expect latest adding to the program.
Komodo Edit
Komodo Edit is a powerful editor with advanced functionality options. It is best for debugging, code refactoring, unit testing, and code profiling. It also supports multi-languages and markdown viewing. If you want more, you can check GitHub repositories for new themes and extensions for the app.
TextWrangler is our next choice as an alternative to the Notepad++. It has pretty much similar features like BBEdit IDE. The developer can easily do programming stuff using the TextWrangler without paying a penny, it is a completely free program. It has features like language module creation, Unix scripting and much more.
These are our best Notepad++ alternatives for Mac OSX. I hope the list is helpful to start a peaceful programming experience. If you are not satisfied with above list, you can check our honorable mentions here.
If you have any good Notepad++ alternative which is not in the above list, you can mention using below comment box. Also please comment your valuable suggestions in the comments. You may also look at our list of the best notepad alternatives.