In the light of the net neutrality turmoil, we tested VPN services that you can turn to and this is the best one we found Setting yourself up with a reliable, robust VPN service is a real solution to overturn the effects of net neutrality repeal. After testing a few different services, starting with the most popular, we stumbled upon a new found, underrated VPN service provided by this company Myip.io, that is nothing but good stuff.
Under the new FCC regulation, an ISP has the liberty of charging you more if you watched Netflix instead of Hulu, creating “fast lanes” and unfair advantages to preferred partners. Don’t think your ISP would do that if given the chance? Well, it’s already happened as stated before, since 2004, coming up to AT&T’s Facetime ban and again in 2014 and 2017 when Verizon slowed down Netflix traffic.
In the meantime, a real solution to overturn net neutrality effects is to turn to VPNs for good. We listed the main properties of the MyIP VPN solution we think are of real value to anyone in need of a reliable VPN. You can get one for personal or corporate use, as the site comes with a diverse offering at an unparalleled cost to features ratios.
In the following, we give you the features that appealed to us most, no-nonsense.
1. Super Fast Uploads:
You noticed how most VPN providers, even the most popular ones, have slow speeds or will simply go off after you upload just a few hundred MB? We found that this inconvenience is almost a given with the vast majority of VPNs, but you don’t need to put up with it since there’s greater, unexploited service value to a few virtually unknown names out there. Most of the VPN providers will market their product as “high speed”, but how fast are they really in practice? After reviewing their service and sent a few customer support inquiries to test how they truly operate “on the field”, we think that Myip.io did a tremendous job at being responsive and friendly while providing a smooth VPN service. Testing their service left us with a feeling of newness, like discovering a prodigy child who’s not only good at math but is also extremely friendly (read: great technical support, if you should need it).
2. Open Ports:
Only a handful of VPN providers will offer this feature. An added value you might find while using their service, you’ll have open ports, so if you want to use PPTP on let’s say a router, you can do so with the support of their technical team that can guide you through the whole process.
3. Static IPs:
Most of the VPN providers have dynamic IPs, there’s only a few that offer static IPs and when they do have this feature, it usually comes at an extra cost. The average cost for a static IP is $9, which is an extra cost that will be added to an average main cost of $14 per month for a total of $23. You’ll pay way less for a subscription with MyIP that comes with a static IP already included in their “dedicated plan” of $5.99. per month. No extra costs for the IP.
This leads us to another perk of using their service, the cost. You’ll pay less than $6 if you go with an annual subscription and $8 for a monthly. The costs are even lower for a dynamic IP, which comes with the “personal plan” for less than $3 a month.
5. Master VPN Account for teams
If you decide to go with the “business plan” they will allocate a whole subnet to you or engineer a custom solution to meet your needs. In a nutshell, the business VPN solution allows multiple accounts into one master deck, a convenient scenario in term of having control, management, and payment. Simultaneous connections up to 50, on this plan.
6. Strong Encryption and a Zero Logs Policy
You can tell that the service developed by Myip was made with “data security in mind”. The VPN is architecture via the cloud with enterprise-grade security and availability. My IP.io comes bundled with a variety of VPN encryption protocols, supporting all the latest security protocols including SSTP, PPTP, IPSec, L2TP, SSTP and 128bit –AES, OpenVPN cipher. When you use the Myip.io app, you can easily switch between protocols, although it’s recommended that you stick with defaults.
7. Locations
Geared with brand new locations from California to Florida, from the United Kingdom to Germany or Australia to Singapore and Japan, Myip.io comes with a diverse array of locations that you can choose from to bypass geo-restrictions.
In the hopes that we have succeeded in convincing you that having a VPN in place is the smart approach to getting across all of the net neutrality ordeals, regardless if you chose to go with our new found gem or not, be sure to choose wisely. Think of a VPN as the middleman between you and the internet, where your ISP can only see a bunch of encrypted traffic. And since your VPN knows as much as your ISP would, it’s very important to choose a reliable one. The repeal of net neutrality rules is already in effect as of June 11.
To set yourself up with a VPN solution from MyIP, just head to their site and chose the best plan for you out of the bunch: Myip.io.