In this day and age, everyone will definitely be using a credit card for making purchases online as well as offline. Now, it was recently revealed that credit cards are more secure than prepaid cards due to various reasons. One of those reasons is that there is a lower risk of fraud activities happening on credit cards rather than prepaid cards.
Even if there is a fraudulent activity on credit cards, we can easily recover our loses which is not possible on prepaid cards. Now, we know that someone still might use our identity to take a credit or loan from any organization without our knowledge. Therefore, we have just found a super useful app which alerts you if someone has used your social security number without your consent. This application is named as ‘Credit Wise’ and is developed by Capital One.
What is Credit Wise?
Credit Wise is a tool which lets you track if someone has used your social security number without you knowing about the same. This tool will acknowledge you of the number of times that your social security number has currently been used. This means that you can easily identify if there is an unauthorized usage right inside the app. Now, this app has been developed by Capital One
How does Credit Wise work?
Credit Wise is a free-to-use application available on Android and iOS. This app will alert you if your email address or social security number is found on the dark web. Thus, you can identify if it was provided by you or if someone used it without consent so that you can block it. Also, the app lets you improve your credit score as well by giving tips related to it.
Credit Wise tool developed by Capital One is a very nice tool for preventing fraudulent activities. Also, it is even more exciting to see that the app is available for free on Android and iOS whereas similar applications are available as well but users have to buy it first. Also, this app has a functionality of setting password and username so that no one other than you can access the application even if your smartphone gets lost or stolen.