Facebook profile is something that is public to most of the people, but at the end of the day, you have to keep it there in order to be available to the users. Now when you are having your information on the internet anyone can reach out to the same, you cannot be 100% protected but can although hide some of the information that too just from the open public.
In case you have accepted the friend request of anyone who is spying on you then he will be available with all the information as and when required by simply heading to your Facebook profile.
You can although view the name of people who have been viewing your profile out of no reasons, like there are a number of different people in your profile, and some of them are stalking over you then you can easily get their names or at least the IP address of their PCs so in case they do something malicious they can get caught and can confess the reason why they have been stalking over you.
But it is no common man’s job to get the information we are talking about, still today we are going to talk about the same and let you know some methods by which you can see the people who are stalking over you.
Do note that by any of these methods you cannot be sure that who all are the persons who are stalking over you, as these are not the legit methods and you cannot use these as proof. The main reason behind this is that you cannot view the right stuff unless you are a government official or a hacker.
Today we are talking about something that is legal and is written inside the code of Facebook, and we will even let you know another legal way which will give you the location of PCs and other information about the particular PC or mobile device. Starting with the source code method, below are the steps given in order to start finding the people.
- Head to your Facebook Timeline:- facebook.com
- Now once your Facebook Profile is loaded right-click anywhere on the blank area and head to the “View Source Code” or “View Page Source” option it can vary as per the browser you are using and even your operating system.
- A new tab will open or a new window will open which will direct you to a new page which happens to have lots of integrated codes written in compressed format(i.e. without white spaces).
- Search for “InitialChatFriendsList” via the Control + F functionality for Windows, or Command + F functionality in Macintosh.
If you by chance don’t get any number then you can even search for “list{“ this will for sure have the list of those Profile IDs. - There will be a list of different numbers which are the Profile ID who have visited your profile lately.
- Now open these profile via the profile ID by simply adding the ID in the following format: facebook.com/[the_ID_here]
- The IDs given will be in decremented order where the first ID will have visited your profile most times as compared to the other IDs bellow it.
This will show you the list of people who are actually visiting your profile frequently in order to get your telephone number, or in order to get your address, view pictures or anything else. Also, the last ID in the list is the one which might have not visited your profile ever or is the one which might have visited the profile least number of times when compared to others.
Another way to execute the same thing is via Google Analytics which is the official website from Google made for Webmasters to track visitors to any website or any blog without any issues. This will also enable you to track visitors to your Official Pages hence be sure to note your visitors on most of the platforms.
- Be sure you have a Google Account for you to sign up in Google Analytics. If you don’t have then you can easily fill in the form and sign up to the account. Now add the Facebook page as a new property and get the tracking ID which needs to be there on your Facebook Page.
- Now once you have the code, convert the same into HTML using the JavaScript converter tools available online.
- Search for HTML Box in your Facebook account and install the same on your Profile / Facebook Page.
- Paste the HTML Code that you found via the JavaScript to HTML conversion too. Once you click on OK your profile / Facebook page will be tracked and you will get the output on the Google Analytics Dashboard.
This is the best method in order to track your profile for suspicious people on your profile, or you can use it to see the number of people you are getting on your business profile or on your business’ homepage on Facebook.
There are a lot more ways to track such things and many do work while there are many which do not work and are just gimmick. So be sure to see that you are having authentic referrals before you can actually go ahead and use the tool and find that at the end of the day they are just choosing random friends and showing their IDs.
Facebook does have a few fun apps which also does this work, and they do work in a legit way as they have access to the information but this doesn’t mean you can trust them as they might also have a few glitches and at the end of the day they are also scripts. So what do you think about the best way to get the number of visitors or the name of the person stalking you? Do let us know in the comment section below.