Is the new PS5 worth spending money on it even when you have a PS4 already? What are the differences PS5 brings to the games compared to the PS4? If you are also confused about these things and whether to purchase a PS5 or go with the already-good console you have, this article will help you to decide. Before we explain it further, I recommend you to go through our article on PS4 vs PS5 to get an initial idea of the main differences both consoles have.
The Design
One of the most criticized things about the new PS5 was its design. I personally liked it, or should I say, I give preference to the performance of the devices more than its looks. But not everyone will. PS5 has a completely different design compared to the previous generations. It looks like a modern-ish tall tower sitting on top of your table.
You do not have to take anyone’s words when it comes to the design. You can just head over to YouTube and look for it yourself to see how it actually looks. So if you like it, there is no need for a discussion. But if you don’t, you should probably stick with your old console. The performance on this device is definitely going to be better than the older models. So if you think that it can compensate for the flaws in the design in your eyes, you may just hide it under the table.
Game Availability
While choosing a gaming console, it is mostly based on personal preferences. If you want to play games that are only supported on a certain console, and you do not want to play anything else, it makes sense to go for a certain model or console. For example, there are going to be games that are exclusive for the PS5, which may not be available in the previous versions of the console. If you want to play those titles, there is no other option than buying a ps5.
But it doesn’t also make sense getting an entire console, just for playing a single game. If every other game that you like is available on the PS4, and just not this single game, I would just suggest you waiting for a little while. There is a chance that the companies will republish the games for the PS4 which is hugely successful as a console. We yet don’t know, how popular the PS5 is going to be after people actually start playing with it.
So if you can make a compromise there, by adjusting to the games that are currently available on the PS4, it is better to stick to the PS4 for now and not spend extra money on getting a new console. Nevertheless to say that PS4 will be able to run almost 99% of the titles there is.
The Performance
In terms of the performance, of course, the new PS5 is going to be better than the older versions in the series. It comes with some improvements in almost all areas. The redesigned games specifically made for the PS5 will also enhance the overall gameplay making it much smoother compared to the PS4. From our PS5 review, we already shared that the starting time of the games is extremely fast on the PS5 compared to previous models. There is an improvement of around 90 percentage for some games in terms of the loading speeds.
Inside the games as well, there were some noticeable differences especially when it comes to the open-world titles. The features such as the ray tracing make the visuals more lifelike on the PS5. If you are a gamer who mostly plays sports games such as the FIFA series, or games such as Call of Duty, you may not have time to enjoy the enhancements in the environment. So it doesn’t make sense going for the PS5 as you already have a console that can pretty much provide similar visuals without you noticing.
So if you are someone who enjoys the visuals, or plays games that don’t require speedy interactions or too fast to notice the changes in the environment of the game, you may go with the PS5. If you mostly play FPS titles or games that need constant focus, you may not notice much of a difference in the gameplay. Of course, there will be an improvement in the smoothness of the gameplay because of the better hardware, but when it comes to the visuals, you may not be able to experience it.
Can you exchange it?
If there is an option for you to exchange the PS4 for the newer model, according to me, you should probably go for it. If the difference of the price that you get by selling your PS4, is very small, why not get the newer console? But I would suggest you wait a little longer to hear the experiences of other players or your friends who have already bought the console to make sure selling of that mighty PS4 is a good idea.
Once you have enough resources to confirm that the PS5 is good enough for your personal usage, and still there is an option for you to get some money out of your old console to purchase the new one, there is no need to hold back from getting the latest PS5 models.
Wait a little longer
If I already have a console to play games and enjoy playing most of the title ever built, I would probably wait a little longer than rushing to buy the new product just after the release. We have seen several cases where the previous generation of the console was a hit, and the new model just ruined it. Not just in terms of the performance, but in several areas such as the build quality.
So it is a good idea to wait a little longer before purchasing the PS5 unless you have the money to spare. It doesn’t mean that you should throw away your dreams to get a PS5. But just waiting a bit longer won’t hurt.