Line has just introduced a new feature in its app named as Mini browser. From the name, you will think that Line has launched a new browser. But that’s not the case here as Line’s Mini browser is not a browser but just a feature inside its app.
At the moment, Line’s Mini browser feature seems to be only available to beta users. As the company says that they let you “try out some of our latest ideas before they become an official part of the LINE app”
Now, the Mini browser from Line is not totally a new concept. Because it is basically a picture-in-picture feature which is available on Chrome, Opera and other browsers. The Mini browser from Line is developed by its Line Labs.
All you need to do to use Mini browser is swipe down on the web browser and your browser will not be closed but it will be minimized. This will let you see the browser as well as chat on Line at the same time.
With this, Line says that you no longer have to close your app or your browser for chatting or otherwise. Line Labs needs to be enabled on your Line app for this feature to work as this is a beta feature. Here’s how you can enable Line Labs inside your app:
Once you have done that, just click on any link inside your chat to open it in the browser. Now, activate Mini browser by just swiping down your browser and it will be shrunk and will show up in a corner. The main chat from which you clicked the link will be visible along with the browser in a shrunk view at the bottom. At the moment, the Mini browser feature is available only on iOS.