Ubuntu 18.10 Cosmic Cuttlefish is now available and you can download the image from the official website of Canonical, or update directly if you are in the previous version of the distribution.
It is not a major update, but the classic biannual release, Ubuntu 18.04 is the current version of extended support, but some of the changes and improvements of Cosmic could draw your attention, especially on the aesthetic side.
Yaru, Suru and GNOME 3.30
This modest update is full of improvements that you will not notice because they mainly have to do with the updating of several components. One of them is the arrival of the new GNOME 3.30, which we talked about thoroughly for being a great improvement, especially at the level of memory consumption, so we should have a faster Ubuntu.
After a long wait and a delay, Ubuntu finally has a new look. “Yaru “ comes to replace the old Ambiance that we had since 2010 and that some of us could not stand anymore. Not only is GNOME Shell and GTK new, but we also have new icons, ‘Suru’ to replace the ancestral Humanity.
Applications like Calendar, To Do and GNOME terminal, have also been updated to new versions, unfortunately, Nautilus remains stuck in the previous version until they can stabilize the compatibility with the new icons.
The Linux kernel was updated to version 4.18. The third-party software that is included, such as Firefox, Thunderbird, LibreOffice, Shotwell, Remmina, and Rhythmbox have also been updated. And another very important thing is that improvements have been made in the Snap packages.
A faster Ubuntu with faster snaps
Now we have beta and alphas versions of Snap applications in the Ubuntu store, after the installation, the snaps start faster, verification tags have been added to those who publish apps, among other things.
Ubuntu 18.10 will have support for 9 months, so if you are interested in the news, you will be interested in the next version, since it is not one in which to stay too long.