Five Best Note Taking Applications: Many of us prefer note taking in traditional paper and pen. Today technology is changed, we can take note on any device ranging from Mobile phone, Tablet to Laptop. Online note-taking applications are very handy for bookmarking sites, or quickly writing ideas. While there are many online note taking applications, here is the best of all.
1. Evernote: (Web-based, cross-platform)
Whenever you take a note on your phone and on your computer gets synced to your Evernote account on the Web. Evernote is a good note-taking application. It also automatically uploads your camera snapshots to the Evernote server. Evernote will translate any text in the image so you can search for it as if it was a text note.
Alternatively, you can just manually type in the note yourself. An Evernote web clipper extension for your browser is very handy, which help you to grab anything from the web and copied to Evernote server. You can also email notes to Evernote using a secret email address.
2. Simplenote
Simplenote is a note-taking application. The application works for the iPhone, iPad, Android, the web, PC, Windows Phone, or Mac. There is a premium version with extra features that includes syncing Simplenote with Dropbox. It Keeps notes on the web, your mobile device, and your computer. Supports simple styles, and syncs. You can find notes quickly with instant searching and simple tags.
3. Microsoft One note
One note is a note-taking program with silent features. The program supports input in many forms such as documents, onscreen handwritten notes, and media files. You can take format notes, insert documents files, record audio and video, customizable page templates. You can send the saved notes to e-mail, share a note to shared locations, publish a note to blog.
4. Springpad
Springpad is a free cross-platform app. Springpad is best at automatic guessing. You can easily share your ideas using social features added to the app. As you use the app to create notes, to-do items, or Web clips, you can easily create and organize them into “notebooks” or college boards. Springpad notebooks are the best way to share information and manage projects with other people.
(Stopped the service)
5. Google Docs
Google Docs is Google’s online MS Word like web servers. You can take note using google doc. It will be saved in Google cloud storage Google Drive. You can access Google Docs anywhere in the world. When multiple users are signed up, it is also possible to collaborate with each user able to edit and change the same document via the Web. Offline mode in Google Docs is especially useful while traveling with no Internet connectivity. When you get back online, your changes will be synced to the cloud.