You may have encountered the 0xc00007b error before. This error appears if an application was not able to start correctly. Windows users are plagued with this error every now and then. There are many reasons why the 0xc00007b error happens. In this post, we will look at the ways that you can fix this error.
One of the reasons why the 0xc00007b error happens is because a 32-bit app is trying to run on a 64-bit system. For the app to run and start working, follow the next steps that we will discuss below.
You Can Re-Install DirectX
Try reinstalling existing DirectX or installing if it is not present. This might solve the problem, and many of our readers reported it as working.
- Open “Windows Explorer.”
- Go to C:\Windows\System32
- Find the following files: “xinput1_1.dll”, “xinput1_2.dll”, “xinput1_3.dll” and the other files that begin with xinput1_*.dll.
- Delete those files.
- Next, after you have deleted them, go to this link.
- There, download DirectX and install it on your PC.
- Once you are done installing, reboot your PC.
These steps will help you in solving your 0xc00007b error. Be sure to follow each of the steps carefully and correctly so that you will be sure to fix the error. If in case the error is still there, try this next step.
You Can Re-Install.NET Framework
There are times that the 0xc00007b error is caused by a .net framework that is rather faulty. What you can do in this case is to reinstall the .net framework. Follow the below steps to do this.
- You can download the latest framework from this link.
- Install it on your computer.
- After installing, Restart your PC.
- And you’re done.
The steps are very easy and very doable. One of these steps will surely solve your problem with the 0xc00007b error. If in any case that the error is still there, feel free to comment below so we can help you solve the 0xc00007b error.