Like you, I also like the internet, and it’s a great tool for informing yourself about various content, as well as have some free fun. You’ll agree with me that there some annoying things about the internet, and that’s ads. Ads are on the internet since forever, and they often come in various shapes. The most annoying ones are popups, which tend to block your screen and can even be malicious at some time. What if I told you that there is a way to block that? These apps are called Ad Blockers and they are here to make your internet browsing easier. So, let’s check 10 best ad blocker apps for your Android phone.
1. Free Adblock Browser
Some app’s purpose is just to block those annoying ads and keep them out of your reach, however, Free Adblock Browser is more than that. As its name says, it’s a web browser, which works really well and it’s super fast. On top of that, it detects the ads and blocks them, so you won’t even notice when they are blocked. There may be a downside because it blocks adds only on this browser, but having in mind that this one works great, you won’t need another. Also, this ad blocker won’t block your app ads.
2. Block This
Block This follows the other route as it’s a free, open-source ad blocker, worth your attention. Open-source means that not only default developer can edit it, but the whole community surrounding that app. Feature-wise, Block This has excellent possibilities, blocking all of the ads in your browser as well as in your apps. Thanks to DNS and VPN technology used here, it will also make sure that you are safe and secure. On top of that, there isn’t a root privilege; awesome!
3. Opera Browser
Opera is one of the most popular internet browsers, and also one of the oldest. I’m simply amazed by how this browser functions, in terms of speed and simplicity, although the UI might not appeal to everybody. Also, blocking ads was never this easy. Just choose the language and click on the option to disable ads and you’re good to go. Opera Browser isn’t a demanding app and will use minimal space on your storage, making it a great default browser.
4. TrustGo Ad Detector
Did you ever see an ad where you saw something that you are really interested in? I don’t want to scare you, but that’s because it collects data, based on your Google searches, so those ads actually “know” that you like that particular stuff. With TrustGo Ad Detector, you’ll prevent privacy violations, as it will automatically detect those ads and send them to hell! Aside from being great ad blocker in both web and apps, it’s also a great tool for keeping privacy, which is of high importance on the internet!
5. Brave browser: Fast Ad Blocker
A Brave browser is a great tool for blocking the annoying ads, and it works well for the most time. Ads tend to slow down our phones, making it sluggish and slow to use, so Brave browser might be your best bet to increase the overall performance of the phone and enhance your web-browsing experience. However, Brave browser has a limitation, and that’s blocking ads just in this browser and not apps. Nevertheless, if you don’t like that, you can download some of the ad blockers from our list and you’ll have your ads blocked in apps.
6. Netguard
Netguard can be both simple and advanced app. Simple, if you want to simply block the content in form of ads and advanced if you want to type the address yourself and block all of the content from there. I like its simplicity and the open-source nature, so the app is frequently updated, keeping you safe from the ads. It also doesn’t require your phone to be rooted.
7. Adguard Content Blocker
Another great entry on our list; Adguard Content Blocker. This app works really well and will not consume that much battery, which means increased performance. Aside from that, this great app will block all of the ads from your web browsing and do it very quickly. The only limitation here is that it works only in Samsung and Yandex internet browsers. But, here’s the deal; it doesn’t require root to work if that means something to you.
8. Adblock Plus for Samsung Browser
Adblock Plus has the only limitation, and that’s compatibility with Samsung only. However, as Samsung phones are widely used, this isn’t that big downside. It has great features and will block ads on your Samsung browser, although it can’t block ads in the apps. Another thing that I like about it (I use Samsung) is that it saves my bandwidth, so I manage to keep my 3G data under control, which also saves my money. I can also say that battery life improved a lot from this app. Definitely recommended for Samsung users!
9. AppBrain Ad Detector
Having in mind that AppBrain Ad Detector isn’t updated for… quite some time, I am really amazed by how well it works. It can detect many types of ads like those simple popups or non-ad Push Notifications and block them if needed. It also works well with the apps, so you can block the annoying ads even there. AppBrain can also serve as a great anti-malware software, removing malware and spyware very easy. It’s also a great option for non-rooted devices.
10. Adaway
For the end, we’ll present you the app that requires your phone to be rooted. However, we don’t recommend rooting the phone, as it can lead to warranty void, and has some other impacts on the phone, which is a topic for the next time. Adaway uses hosts files to do adblocking, which means that ads will be redirected to (localhost) upon request. Here, you can also create website blacklist/whitelist, for easier blocking unwanted content. As we said, the only downside is the need for root.