Online meetings are becoming crucial during pandemic times. Many people are option Zoom over other video conferencing platforms because of the ease of use and simplicity. However, it is advised to perform a Zoom test meeting before attending a real meeting.
For an online meeting, we require three things to check. One is a stable Internet connection, the second one is audio quality and the third one is a clear video stream.
So, it is advisable to check these three things before going to start a real Zoom meeting. Performing a Zoom test meeting is easy to process. In this article, we will learn to test our hardware before a Zoom call.
1. Internet connection test
Without a stable Internet connection, video conferencing is a nightmare. If you have a Zoom meeting scheduled in a few hours, check your Internet speed is matching with the Zoom minimum Internet speed settings or not.
According to the sources, Zoom requires a 1.5MBPS Internet speed connection is ideal to make a good quality conference. You can check your Internet speeds using websites like fast.com or speedtest.net on your PC or mobile browsers.
2. Zoom test meeting on PC or Mac.
As we all know, Zoom is a free to use service for everyone. You can start a Zoom meeting with a zero number of participants to check everything working good or not. Download Zoom on your device and start a meeting with zero participants and test your mic and video working properly or not.
- Open a browser like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Edge and open the Zoom Test Meeting web page.
- Click Join a meeting.
- If you do not have the Zoom app installed on your machine, dismiss the prompt and click on Launch Meeting.
- Zoom will ask if you can see yourself in the camera, play audio. You can test them by making sound via the mic and move the hand to test the camera properly working or not.
- If the audio and video working properly, then you are good to start a Zoom meeting.
3. Zoom test meeting on mobile
You can test the Zoom meeting audio and video quality on mobile devices as well. Follow the below steps to test Zoom audio and video quality in a test meeting.
- On your mobile device, visit the Zoom Test Meeting page in the browser.
- Click Join and launch meeting.
- Zoom now tries to open the Zoom app installed on your device.
- Now, test the audio and video.
- If the audio and video working properly, then you are good to start a Zoom meeting.
It is advisable to test the hardware condition of the device before going for a real Zoom meeting. As the test is free to use service, it is just a few seconds time to test the audio and video quality of your device for a Zoom meeting. Let us know your valuable feedback in the comment section below.