In the new era, the provision of cyberspace has gradually evolved into a critical organizational and national research agenda, calling for the interests of a multidisciplinary scientific workforce.
There are numerous opportunities when using the Internet and in this area, techniques, development and refinement of algorithms and frameworks for designing Cybersecurity systems have been applied in the research. Intellectual products in this domain have emerged under various topics including, Cybersecurity, data management and modelling, and privacy preservation.
Many national and emergency services rely on continued use of the internet and communication systems, data, surveillance and management systems which make up our Cyberinfrastructure. A Cyberattack can be debilitating to our highly interdependent critical infrastructure and key resources and ultimately to our economy and national security.
The ubiquity of Cyberinfrastructure facilitates beneficial activities through rapid information sharing and utilization, while its vulnerabilities generate opportunities for our adversaries to perform malicious activities within the infrastructure.
Because of these opportunities for malicious activities, nearly every aspect of Cyberinfrastructure needs protection. Vulnerabilities in Cyberinfrastructure can be attacked horizontally or vertically. Hence, Cyber threats can be evaluated horizontally from the perspective of the attackers or vertically from the perspective of the victims.
First, we look at Cyber threats vertically, from the perspective of the victims. A variety of adversarial agents such as nation-states, criminal organizations, terrorists, hackers, and other malicious users can compromise governmental homeland security through networks.
Hackers use personal computers remotely to conspire, recruit accomplices, raise funds, and collude during persistent attacks. Adversarial governments and agencies can launch Cyber attacks on the hardware and software of the opponents Cyber infrastructures by supporting financially and technically malicious network exploits.
Cybercriminals threaten financial infrastructures, and they could pose threats to national economies if recruited by the adversarial agents or terrorist organizations. Similarly, private organizations, like banks, must protect confidential data for businesses or private people, from such hackers. The disclosure of business or private financial data to Cybercriminals can lead to financial loss via Internet banking and related online resources.
Individuals must also be vigilant against Cybercrimes and malicious use of Internet technology. As technology has improved, users have become more tech-savvy.
People communicate and cooperate efficiently through networks, such as the Internet, which are facilitated by the rapid development of digital information technologies, such as personal computers and personal digital assistants (PDA).
Through these digital devices linked by the Internet, hackers also attack personal privacy using a variety of weapons, such as viruses, Trojans, worms, botnet attacks, rootkits, adware, spam, and social engineering platforms.
Due to the availability of large amounts of data in Cyberinfrastructure and the number of Cybercriminals trying to gain access to data, statistics and other interdisciplinary capabilities were required to respond to Cybersecurity challenges.
Data mining is extraction, or “extraction”, knowledge from a large amount of data. Data mining is an interdisciplinary field that leverages usage analysis tools from statistical models, mathematical algorithms and methods to discover previously unknown, valid patterns and relationships in large data sets that are useful for hacking and preserving privacy in Cybersecurity.
Traditionally, proactive security solutions are designed to maintain overall system security, even if the attacks of a particular system component is compromised. With the advancement of information technology and the improvement of data mining techniques, it offers unlimited opportunities for Internet users and other media to explore new information.
Years ago, a simple username and password were all you needed to keep your private and private information online. Unfortunately, this is no longer the case. In today’s world, with strong passwords, people are known to use VPNs and different tools to protect their information.
There have been dozens of titles recently with examples of failed passwords and claims that a new method of security must be discovered and used. This is generally true. The most common method of authentication or protection against hacking into a computer system is to use alphanumeric usernames and passwords.
Choosing a strong password and protecting your chosen password has always been a popular topic among security researchers. Traditionally strong password schemes can provide some degree of security, but strong passwords are complex and difficult to remember and often prompt their owners to write them down on paper.
As a result, security becomes compromised. Also, a good password is one that can be typed quickly so someone else can’t see it. We are exploring some password protection techniques and trying to eliminate the problem of hacking. We also try to eliminate dictionary attacks and brute force attacks.
Using a single password for all web services is not secure because it can compromise all web service accounts. A password manager is used to confront this kind of problem. They do it by storing and retrieving multiple existing passwords using one master password. On the other hand, a password manager liberates the human brain by enabling people to generate strong passwords without worrying about memorizing them.
Password Managers, like Keeper Password Manager & Digital Vault, provides you with a variety of features, like dark web protection, secured cloud vault, and if you are a business owner, a great encrypted chat service. If you would like to find out more about this tool proceed here. While Password Manager provides a convenient and secure way to manage multiple passwords, it centralizes password storage and eliminates the risk of password leakage from distributed service providers of software or tokens certified using a single master password.
Biometrics could be used as another factor for authentication by verifying ownership of the master password. However, biometrics-based authentication is more privacy than a non-biometric password manager.
Password managers are another way to resolve the password management problem. The user authenticates himself with his master password in Password Manager. When the user the registry creates profiles with the service provider, Password Manager encrypts passwords from your master password service provider.
This way, the user has to confirm the identity with a user master password to use the services. Password managers exist on many platforms and are here to protect you, and make your life and online security better.