Are you getting isdone.dll error while trying to install a game? If yes, this article will help you to sort out this error and continue installing your favourite game on your Windows PC.
Causes for isdone.dll error
Usually this error comes up when the user is trying to install modern games with huge size. While unpacking the contents of the game, it will eat up the system resources like RAM and hard drive space. If your PC is unable to handle both criteria’s, then the system will show up isdone.dll error and stops the installation process.
Here you can see how the isdone.dll appears.
An error occurred when unpacking!
unarc.dll returned an error code: -1
ERROR: archive data corrupted (decompression fails)
There is an another chance of getting this error due to the corrupt dll files on your computer.
As there are multiple chances of gettiing this error, the solutions also we have multiple methods.
Here are the best solving methods to fix the isdone.dll error on Windows 10 PC.
Before going to follow one of these methods, test your game minimum system requirements online. Usually you will find the details on the back side of the game disc. If you have digital version of the game, you can check it by typing the game name along with the system requirements in Google.
If you found the minimum system requirement not matched with your system configuration thene there is a high chance of getting this error on your PC.
Method 1: Install isdone.dll and unArc.dll files
DLL files are important in Windows architecture inorder to perform tasks. Registring the required dll files on your computer will solve the issue. Installing the dll files is a pretty simple process.
Here is how to download and install the missing dll files on your computer.
- Open command prompt by clicking Windows+X keys together on your keyboard.
- In the command prompt window, type the following command and press enter to excecute the command.
regsvr32 isdone.dll
- After re-registring the isdone.dll, now execute the following command to re-register the unArc.dll file.
regsvr32 unarc.dll
- Now, after executing both the commands, restart your PC and then try to install the game again.
In most of the cases the method 1 will work effectively. If the above method not worked for you, then follow the next method.
Method 2: Install Game in Safe Mode
Safe mode is the straightforward way to use the computer ruunning required programs. It will consume less RAM in safe mode and it belived to be safe mode is best for installing large size games.
To start your WIndows PC in safe mode, restart your PC and press F8 key continously until you will see a screen with the option to start PC in safe mode. After entering to safe mode, now try to install the game.
If this method not working for you, then try to follow the next method.
Method 3: Check for RAM errors
Bad sectors in RAM can cause these kind of errors while installing large softweare or game on the computer. RAM will hiccup and end by showing the isDone.dll error. It is good to check whether the RAM working correctly or not in this situation.
You can easily check RAM errors on your own without any high technical knowledge.
There are plenty of third-party RAM testing tools available online to check your RAM health. Download and run these softwares on your computer to test the RAM health diagnostics.
You can use software like memtest86 to test RAM related errors on your computer which are cusing isdone.dll like issues.
Method 4: Clean up your PC from unwanted files
If you are using your PC from ages, then it will have the chances of corrupted files in the registry. Use software like CCleaner to clean your PC and fix the registry errors which are causing these kinds of errors.
DLL errors are most common in Windows PC’s. It is recommended to clean your PC regulalry using PC cleaners and always use the genuine softwares to avoid the PC issues.
Let us know which method is worked to solve the isdone.dll issue on your computer in the comment section below.