Cloud storages became part of our life, there are various services offering not only free space but also best encryption options. Nowadays privacy became most important to look for. Several cloud storage accounts being compromised due to online hacks and other threats. Even the biggest names in the cloud computing industry facing such security issues. But they are way less than the companies with the highest hack rates. So, choosing a perfect and secure cloud storage service is always important to keep your data always safe.
Cloud Storage Services with the Best Security Measures
To avoid such problems, there is only one easy option, which is choosing a highly secure cloud service after doing a lot of research. To help you out, we did it for you. We reviewed and researched a lot of cloud services and listed the best ones with the best security and privacy measures. We are not explaining too much about this. Here is the best list of Cloud services with best encryption options.
1. Mega
Mega is one of the latest products from Megaupload king Kim Dotcom. It gives you a whopping 50GB free space when you sign up. Pro accounts offer 500GB to 4TB. When you sign up, you choose a password and Mega generates the keys used to encrypt and decrypt your data. Even files are also encrypted before they’re uploaded and decrypted after downloaded by your web browser. Mega offers ultimate security and privacy to your files with AES-128, AES-192 and AES-256 security protocols. You never need to worry about your files again.
2. SpiderOak
SpiderOak offers 2GB cloud data storage for free, you can get more space by paying $10/mo for each 100GB. The encryption and decryption process takes place locally, SpiderOak uses a combination of 2048 bit RSA and 256 bit AES to encrypt your files. So, there will be no problem in the security or privacy of you and your files.
3. Tresorit
Tresorit offers free 5GB space when you signup. Tresorit secures your files and folders on your computer, before uploading to the cloud. Your encryption keys never leave your computer. This means no one can access your content if you don’t permit them, not even Tresorit.
4. Google Drive
Google Drive is no doubt, provides one of the best cloud securities in the industry. All of your files will stay safe on the Google servers. You don’t have to worry much as Google manages the best services in the world including Gmail, Google Maps, etc. All of them takes a lot of security measures to prevent malicious activities. So, your Google Drive files will be safe all the time.
5. iCloud Drive
iCloud Drive is a cloud storage service by apple. Ever used an iPhone or any other apple product? If so, you will not doubt in the security of the iCloud Drive. It has one of the finest security and privacy options in the cloud industry. You can fearlessly start using this cloud service to store your important data securely online.