The latest report of McAfee states that the Android has the highest number of malware attacks when compared to other mobile OS. Also, some malware is using some popular applications like Facebook. The major difference between the genuine Facebook and the infected Facebook is the number of permissions they ask. The infected Facebook app asks more permissions than the genuine application. This type of malicious Facebook application usually comes preloaded with the device.
To know your Android infected or not just check the below-given points first.
Symptoms of infected Android Device
- When an infection resides on your device it automatically becomes slow. You’ll notice a big change in the performance of the device. Close all apps and check your device home screen running smoothly or heavily. When a malicious script present in your device it consumes all the power of your processor.
- Call drops are common on infected devices. When you are speaking with someone if suddenly call stops regularly, this may be the job of malicious script. Some Malware stops calls and uses your device antenna to interact with the hacker.
- If you are a medium range mobile user, means usage of talk time, data and SMS is normal and you suddenly face a bill of the unexpected amount this may be another symptom of infected device. Just ask your contacts whether they receive any messages from you without your knowledge.
- One of the infected symptoms is advertisements. Yes, your device will show a number of advertisements suddenly with or without opening any app. This is a serious situation, which means there is a chance of malware-infected on your device.
- Another interesting symptom is the battery drain. The infected device drains the battery pretty fastly. As the infected malware to do the job, it slows down the system and shows the effect on system resources. It results in the battery drain quickly.
If your device passed all the above tests, your device is virus and malware free. But install a good malware remover to prevent the infection.
- First, install mobile antivirus and malware removers like McAfee and Avast.
- Regularly check your data usage with apps like 3G Watch Dog or DataMan Next
- You can check the app usage statistics with AVG Uninstaller if you find an app installed without your knowledge and consumes all your device resources with maximum usage first delete the app.
That’s all for now. Please do share your views and feedback in the comment box below.