Are you started using Google yesterday or 5 years back you can download entire data from your Google account activity and its services using Google Takeout. Gone are the days when we use manual downloading each Google product activity in spreadsheets and excel sheets. Google launched Takeout in the year 2011, at present they have been slowly adding all products to Takeout.
You can download your entire Google data in Zip files, with a maximum size of 2GB. When your Google data exceeds the size of 2GB it splits into multiple 2GB zip files. If you chose other formats like .tgz and .tbz you can increase the file size limit to 50GB. The time taking to make a Google Takeout is entirely depended on your Google products usage if you are a heavy user of Google products it will take some time to make archives of your data. Using Google Takeout is simple if you are a basic user of Google this guide will help you to download all Google data easily.
Getting Started with Google Takeout
To get started, first you need to login to Google in a browser. In Google homepage you can access your account at the top right corner of the web page, here select “Account” option above the view profile tab.
On “Accounts Settings” page scroll down to access “Account Tools” and then click on “Download Data”. After clicking on the option it shows the list of available and used products list, here you can Select none/all button. At present Google supporting its 25 of services user download. If you want specific products data to download here deselect the services you don’t want.
This option creates a custom archive of your selected products, for example, if you selected Blogger and Google+ it downloads only these two services data. Clicking on “Detail” option give few more options to customize required data.
Clicking on “Detail” option give few more options to customize required data. In some cases archives vary in formats, for example, you can download YouTube data in OPML (RSS) or JSON format. After selecting/deselecting products now click on the “Next button to make an archive of your Google services data.
The next screen shows the download option of your selected services, here you can select the downloadable file type in.Zip, .tgz and .tbz formats. Here you can also select the download option by sending download link via email or add to drive.
As I said earlier, time for making your archive totally depends on your number of services selected and their size. If you have chosen “sending download link via email ” you will receive an email notifying your archive is ready. If you selected Google Drive you can open the downloaded archive in Google Drive’s “Takeout” folder.
Downloaded data contains index file and independent folders of services you’ve selected. The index file contains the time, number products and total space of archive.
Google Takeout is very useful service for those who want to take a complete backup of their Google activity, it is very simple to avail this service. Please comment below if you want any suggestion or feedback in our discussion box.
Learn more Google Takeout FAQ